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Dynamic Leadership Sets the Stage for Powerful Prayer Explosion Conference
Bishop Charles Blake and CNN's Roland Martin Among Stellar Group of Leaders Joining Pastors Kirbyjon and Suzette Caldwell at Prayer Explosion 2009
Contact: Michael Bone, 904-475-1010 ext. 119
HOUSTON, July 27 /Christian Newswire/ -- The 13th Annual Prayer Explosion, sponsored by The Prayer Institute and hosted by Pastors Kirbyjon and Suzette Caldwell of the 15,000-member Windsor Village United Methodist Church, is set for October 7-10, 2009 at The Kingdom Builders' Center in Houston, Texas. World-class anointed leaders from around the globe have committed to be part of the "Four Days of Glory" and help fulfill the Conference's promise to make a difference in people's lives. In addition to Bishop Blake and Roland Martin, speakers include Evangelist Joyce Rogers, Bishop Tudor Bismark, Dr. Leonard Sweet, and Steve Riggle, along with worship leader and Gospel Music Recording Artist Kathy Taylor.
According to Pastor Suzette Caldwell, Board Chair and President of The Prayer Institute, "powerful transformations take place every year at Prayer Explosion. It is more than a conference, it is a unique, life-changing event that fosters an encounter with God and empowers believers to step out and be bold in their prayer lives. People from across the nation will gather to learn, intercede and celebrate as they step into the supernatural realm, feel the outpouring of the Holy Spirit, and experience all that the Father has for them."
Pastor Suzette and The Prayer Institute team, produce the conference every year with the desire that participants might not only step into more powerful and results-driven prayer lives but also be encouraged to intercede for their cities, the nation and the world. Throughout the year, the team conducts prayer classes that have taught thousands of people to pray based on The Model Prayer (also the Lord's Prayer). Numerous testimonies citing positive results from praying the way Jesus taught His disciples to pray have been collected. Pastor Caldwell and The Prayer Institute took the united prayer concept worldwide this year through a prayer event called "A Day for O.N.E. (One Nation Empowered)" where congregations prayed the same prayer in support of President Obama, his cabinet and America. The Prayer Institute developed prayers based on The Model Prayer for President George W. Bush and his administration during his tenure as well as a prayer for the inauguration of President Obama. Pastor Suzette's leadership has also included organizing a chaplaincy for Hurricane Katrina and serving as co-chair for National Day of Prayer-Houston and as Director of Prayer for CityFest Houston hosted by Luis Palau.
About Pastors Kirbyjon and Suzette Caldwell
Pastor Suzette and her husband, Pastor Kirbyjon Caldwell, serve as pastors of the nation's largest United Methodist Church with over 15,000 members. The church has more than 75 ministries and has been instrumental in changing the economic landscape in an underserved area of Southwest Houston through its community development efforts.
Pastor Suzette Caldwell is author of the recently released book, Praying to Change Your Life that equips its readers with a model of prayer that Pastor Suzette attests will guarantee results. The book introduces a prayer model based on The Lord's Prayer consisting of six fundamental elements. Please visit www.prayerinstitute.com to learn more about Pastor Suzette Caldwell, The Prayer Institute, and Praying to Change Your Life.