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Religious Abortion Rights Coalition Recruits Obama Faith-Based Ally
"Few liberal lobbies in Washington are as shameful as RCRC, which claims God opposes any restrictions on abortion." -- Mark Tooley, IRD President
Contact: Jeff Walton, Institute on Religion & Democracy, 202-413-5639, jwalton@TheIRD.org
WASHINGTON, April 30, 2012 /Christian Newswire/ -- A coalition of liberal faith groups giving religious cover for abortion rights advocacy has named a pro-gay rights activist and ally of the Obama Administration as its new President.
The Reverend Harry Knox, a former official with the Human Rights Campaign who has served on the President's faith-based commission, will begin as the head of the Religious Coalition on Reproductive Choice (RCRC) in July. Knox currently serves as interim director of the Episcopal Church's unofficial homosexual and transsexual caucus, Integrity USA.
Knox's appointment comes as coalition's largest affiliate, the global 12 million member United Methodist Church, debates cutting ties to the organization. Legislation to end the church's RCRC membership was adopted by a legislative committee at the denomination's governing General Conference meeting this week in Tampa, Florida. The resolution must next clear the full body of nearly 1000 delegates. The United Methodist Church was a founding member of the Religious Coalition on Abortion Rights (now RCRC) in 1973.
IRD President Mark Tooley commented:
"Few liberal lobbies in Washington are as shameful as RCRC, which claims God opposes any restrictions on abortion.
"Seemingly withering over the past year, RCRC has found a new chief with ties to wealthy liberal donors. RCRC will need them, as almost all of its member liberal religious groups are spiraling in membership.
"Appointment of RCRC's new president may help persuade the United Methodist Church to end its embarrassing affiliation."