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Noted Immigration Attorney Covers What Churches Must Know About Undocumented Workers
Contact: Louise Ferrebee, 630-260-6200 ext. 4246, shoekstralower@christianitytoday.com
CAROL STREAM, Ill., Nov. 1 /Christian Newswire/ -- As Arizona's latest Immigration Enforcement Law focuses national attention on the issues of immigration, many church leaders are wondering what concerns and cautions they should take when welcoming internationals into their worship communities.
Some church goers say that as Christians, they should lovingly accept the undocumented aliens living among them, while others insist that Arizona's immigration enforcement law is needed to uphold rule of law in America, which ultimately means deporting individuals and breaking up families who attend a church.
In the November/December Church Law & Tax Report, Editorial Advisor Ann Buwalda, a noted authority on immigration law in the United States, provides church leaders with concise insights on questions regarding hiring illegal immigrants, using undocumented individuals as volunteers, and reporting illegal aliens to the U.S Citizenship and Immigration Services.
"Along with setting the context for the immigration debate, Ann Buwalda explains what a church's responsibility is regarding undocumented immigrants," says Richard Hammar, senior editor of Church Law & Tax Report. "No matter where you fall on the immigration issue, churches need to understand the law and what's required to uphold it."
Richard Hammar expands on Ann Buwalda's treatment of the immigration issue and provides an overview of visas and work permits that are required for religious workers. Hammar covers the topic of immigration law in Pastor, Church & Law: Volume 3—Employment Law, published by Christianity Today International.
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