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New Jersey Welcomes Autism Activist

Contact: Claudine Liss, 310-970-2485, ClaudineLissLaw@aol.com

MEDIA ADVISORY, Nov. 30, 2010 /Christian Newswire/ -- Kim Stagliano, writer/editor, mother of three autistic daughters, presents her new book "All I Can Handle - I'm No Mother Teresa" for a book signing at Watchung Booksellers, 54 Fairfield Street, Montclair, NJ, Wed. 12/8, 7 PM. New Jersey is home to the highest autism incidence in the country. Parents, doctors, teachers, journalists and concerned citizens are welcome.

Stagliano shares with the world how she raises three autistic daughters, stays married, goes broke, and keeps her sense of humor. Stagliano joins the ranks of bestselling memoirists like David Sedaris and Augusten Burroughs. Stagliano lays everything on the table. Always outspoken, often touching, and sometimes heart breaking, Kim Stagliano is a powerful new voice in comedic writing, her "Kimoir" (as she calls it) is a must-read for all Americans concerned about or touched by autism.

Sponsored by the New Jersey Coalition for Vaccination Choice www.NJVaccinationChoice.org