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Obama's Drama: Day Gardner, National Black Pro-Life Union Weighs in on the Presidents Health Care Speech Tonight

Contact: Day Gardner, National Black Pro-Life Union, 202-834-0844, dgardner@NBPLU.com

WASHINGTON, Sept. 9 /Christian Newswire/ -- Many people will tune in tonight to hear President Barack Obama's 28th attempt to define and defend his 1000 plus page health care bill. We all know that he will focus on the dreaded public option--is it in or out? And I'm sure we'll hear about the ominous 'trigger' option?

And what about our senior citizens? Many Americans see that Obama's plan will ultimately lead to rationing of their health care.

We don't want or need the government to make decisions regarding health care.

Many want to know where the trillion dollars will come from to pay for his monster plan over the next few years. We have heard about the proposals that will actually fine the American tax payer hundreds and even thousands a year for refusing to have Obama's big government coverage.

And what about tax payer funded abortion? Why should Americans have to pay for babies to be dismembered and killed by abortion? Abortion is not health care. There is nothing healthy about a procedure that mentally, emotionally and physically scars women--and there is nothing healthy about a dead baby.

Tonight, I need to hear President Obama say emphatically--that there will be NO abortion mandated in this plan that he is trying to shove down our throats.

I want him to insist on a revised health care bill that will have clear restrictions on abortion funding and coverage and services.