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CROSS America for Melanoma Awareness
Contact: Bradley Dallas North Publications, 757-729-9740

MEDIA ADVISORY, March 4, 2011 /Christian Newswire/ -- The following is submitted by author David K. Sumrell:
    Imagine traveling to Duke Medical Center for what is called a Hail Mary chance for life. A team of physicians, the top oncologist in the world are reviewing your case file and assessing your condition to determine what course of treatment is left or available. When they have completed their evaluation, the decision is made, there is nothing can be done to save or prolong your life.

    Photo: Map of CROSS America trip

    In 2004, I, David K. Sumrell was sent home with less than 2 months to live (stage 4). The melanoma tumor which started in my left eye had metastasis throughout my organs, liver, lungs and brain.

    I couldn't even be given experimental chemotherapy, because it would have no affect crossing the blood barrier in the brain. When the Dr. told me this, I looked up and said, "Thank You Lord, now You and I can work this out together." My Dr. looked at me like I was crazy and then he told me, "They would keep me comfortable until I was gone."

    On the way home I shut my eyes and started thinking about the things I was going to miss. I wasn't even going to see my daughter graduate High School later that year.

    I thanked God for all the blessing's I had had in my life. I never asked God to save my life. I did say "Lord, You know I have been all over the world helping people and if it is Your Will for me to come home, then I am ready; however if You give me the opportunity, I will write three books in Your Honor."

    In 2005, I fulfilled my covenant with God and I am here today. I still have seven nods in my lungs. After the second book was written, my doctor's and I realized I had had a miracle occur. All the cancer was out of my body. I was immediately tested again with cats, pets, bone scans, x-rays and labs.

    In May 2010, I had stereotactic radiation to stop the bleeding and kill the nod that grew into a tumor. I've had surgery, radiation, pain medicines and thank God for Dr.'s and scientists.

    Starting March 31, 2011 I will begin an almost 9000 mile journey, to share devastating consequences of this killer cancer and how early detection, medical treatment and faith, can make the difference between life and death.
More information and higher resolution image of map at bradleydallasnorth.net