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Thousands Return to Israel Fulfilling Old Testament Prophecies of a Second Exodus

Contact: Abigail Davidson, Publicist, WinePress Publishing, 360-802-9758, abigail@winepressgroup.com

ENUMCLAW, Wash., July 7 /Christian Newswire/ -- Thousands of Jews are returning to Israel, fulfilling scores of Old Testament prophecies through a modern-day move of God known in Hebrew as "Aliyah." According to Israel National News, more than 3,000 are anticipated to arrive in Israel in the next few months.*

Roman and Barbara Fialkowski have first-hand experience with this historic movement. From 1998-2000, the Fialkowskis volunteered for Ebenezer Emergency Fund (EEF), a Christian organization dedicated to helping Jewish people return to Israel. In two and a half years, they took part in 50 sailings between Odessa, Ukraine and Haifa, Israel, and helped deliver 16,000 Ukrainian Jews to their promised land.

"Aliyah is an end-time prophetic move of God involving the ingathering of His Jewish people from the nations of the world. This prophetic move of the Lord is spoken throughout Old Testament scripture. In spite of war, terrorism, and the rise of anti-Semitism in our day, we continue to see the Jews return. This is nothing short of a miracle. When God makes a promise, He keeps it."

Barbara Fialkowski releases her memoir through WinePress Publishing this year as a way to document their call to Aliyah through EEF. "Parting the Black Sea: The Prophetic Fulfillment of a Second Exodus" is an eye-witness account of how grass-roots efforts, combined with supernatural strength, enabled this modern-day move of God.

The Fialkowskis' support of Aliyah continues through their relationship with EEF and other ministries. Barbara attends IHOP (International House of Prayer) on Long Island. She enjoys reading, writing, playing the guitar, crafts, and gardening. The parents of three adult children and grandparents to one granddaughter, the Fialkowskis make their home in Riverhead, New York.

For more information, to request a review copy of "Parting the Black Sea," or to schedule an interview, please contact Abigail Davidson by phone at 360-802-9758, by email at abigail@winepressgroup.com, or by fax at 360-802-9992. To purchase a copy of this book visit www.winepressbooks.com or call 877-421-7323.

* www.israelnationalnews.com/News/News.aspx/132050