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Kyria.com Encourages Women to Pursue Life Together
Contact: Ginger Kolbaba, Christianity Today International, 630-260-6200, gkolbaba@christianitytoday.com; Twitter: @kyriadigital
CAROL STREAM, Ill., July 11, 2011 /Christian Newswire/ -- The July/August issue of the Kyria digital magazine, available today, helps women desire and practice to do life together with others, the spiritual discipline of community.
Editor Ginger Kolbaba says, "This month's issue of the Kyria digizine is on the spiritual discipline of community--the practice of engaging in transparent relationships with other believers that encourage growth in Christ. We want this issue to help women learn to follow Jesus' example of joyfully centering his life and faith in the midst of other believers. This issue also celebrates the good, the bad, and the challenging of living in community."
Featured is an interview with Julie Pierce, the Directional Leader to Women at Irving Bible Church in Irving, Texas, who says practicing the Christlike community consists of truth-telling, listening, learning from others, and helping each other in the dark times. Julie says, "Others can point us back to truth when our fear keeps us from it."

A portion of the Kyria digital magazine is free access and open to everyone. The July/August issue features the following articles:
Through Hardships
Rain can bond us together like nothing else.
By Eric Reed
Intentional, Significant, and Beautiful
Julie Pierce talks about what it means for women to choose, and be formed by, Christlike community.
Interview by Amy Simpson
Strength in Numbers
Christian community provides protection from spiritual attack and sluggishness--even for introverts.
By Holly Vicente Robaina
Holding Out for the Real Thing
I thought community was like Splenda--a great concept, but not too authentic.
By Ashley Moore
Running Mates
Are your friends holding you back?
By Doña Jackson
Confessions of a (Recovering) Motormouth
My incessant talking kept me from experiencing truth from others.
By Rebecca Stuhlmiller
Make It Personal
Made for Community
By Nicole Unice
To see the July/August 2011 issue of the Kyria digizine in its entirety, become a member of Kyria.com here: kyria.com/membership/.
The September/October 2011 issue will be on the discipline of service and outreach and features articles by Kay Warren, Carolyn Custis James, and Helen Lee.
Christianity Today International (www.ChristianityToday.com) is a not-for-profit communications ministry that serves the global church through print magazines, digital publications, websites, and blogs, which together reach more than 2.5 million people each month.
Kyria.com (www.kyria.com) is a website and digital magazine for thoughtful, influential women who want to grow deeply in their faith. Annual membership includes full access to the digital magazine, discounted prices on downloadable resources, and members-only articles to get more from your faith and make a difference in the lives of others. Kyria.com is part of the Christianity Today International family of resources.