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Colorado Personhood Amendment Supporters to Join National Leaders to Defend Life at Catholic Hospital

Contact: Gualberto Garcia-Jones, 303-456-2700; www.personhoodcolorado.com; www.personhoodusa.com 

MEDIA ADVISORY, July 28 /Christian Newswire/ -- Personhood Colorado plans to join forces with LifeGuard, and Joe Scheidler to expose Mercy Regional Medical Center's close affiliation with abortionist Grossman, and to uncover Grossman's exploitation of women and children at Planned Parenthood in Durango.

"Here is a man that kills children once a week, and he is employed by a Catholic hospital that is supposed to share my belief that what he does is murder?" questioned Gualberto Garcia-Jones, sponsor of Amendment 62. "There is a valid basis to believe that this Catholic hospital would be within its right to fire a murderer such as Dr. Grossman, although some have said that the hospital fears a lawsuit," continued Garcia-Jones. "In an age when the Catholic church is sued on an almost daily basis, wouldn't it be refreshing if the church were sued for preventing child killing at its hospitals instead of for allowing children to be molested?"

LifeGuard and Personhood Colorado will hold a press conference on Thursday, July 29.

Speakers will include Joe Scheidler, National Director of the Pro-Life Action League, Father Fessio, founder of Ignatius Press, Walter Hoye, Founder of the California Civil Rights Foundation, Gualberto Garcia-Jones of Personhood Colorado, and Dan Anguis, LifeGuard Director.

Press Conference Details:

Press Conference and Protest of Mercy Regional Medical Center

Joe Scheidler, Father Fessio, Walter Hoye, Gualberto Garcia-Jones, and Dan Anguis

1010 Three Springs Blvd. in Durango, Colorado, outside of the entrance to Mercy Regional Medical Center

Thursday, July 29, at 2:00pm

"Abortionist Grossman is only too happy to deliver 'wanted' babies at Mercy Regional one day, then brutally dismember 'unwanted' babies the next day at Planned Parenthood," observed Keith Mason, leader of Personhood Colorado. "The message of the Amendment 62 campaign is that ALL human beings are people. Dr. Grossman treats them like property, to be loved or discarded at will. This is a prime example of why Amendment 62 must be passed -- every baby in Colorado should be protected."

Personhood Colorado is a grassroots organization comprised of Colorado citizens who value all human life, from biological beginning to natural death. Personhood Colorado has sponsored the Personhood Amendment to the Colorado constitution, which reads: "Section 32. Person defined. As used in sections 3*, 6**, and 25*** of Article II of the state constitution, the term "person" shall apply to every human being from the beginning of the biological development of that human being."