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Parable Style Novel Follows African Priest's Simple Wisdom

Contact: PJ Rutar, 800-288-4611 ext 5391

MEDIA ADVISORY, Sept. 8 /Christian Newswire/ -- Before there were written languages, fables and parables have served as a way to communicate ideas and lessons. In the new novel The Bishop of Lipoppo (published by iUniverse), author Gerald T. McLaughlin, has brought these literary devices to bear on the modern Catholic Church, its politics and its hierarchy.

As The Bishop of Lipoppo opens, readers are introduced to Samuel Harbinger, a simple parish priest living near the Savannah in the village of Lipoppo. His life revolves around his parishioners, his pet lion Banda and the ins and outs of daily life on the African Plains. A man of simple wisdom and insight, he lives a humble but happy existence in rural Kenya. This simplicity is shattered as if by a herd of stampeding water buffalo when he receives a letter from the Pope. The Pope's letter tells Father Samuel to come to the Vatican to be ordained a bishop.

Father Samuel obediently answers the pontiff's summons and makes his way to Rome. It quickly becomes clear that this provincial priest is going to stand out among the Church politicians and career minded clergy. Arriving late to the ordination ceremonies, Father Samuel causes an immediate stir when, in a show of joy and excitement, insists on dancing with the Holy Father.

Suddenly, as if responding to a cue, a Dixieland band accompanied by a small chorus of singers materialized from inside the church. Clapping their hands rhythmically, the singers vocalized "When the Saints Go Marching In." Then a young priest on the altar started to clap his hands and sway to the rhythm. A second priest joined in, then a third. Although he stoutly denied it, even the staid dean of the College of Cardinals, seventy-nine year- old Cardinal Ugo Carpaccio, moved his hips to the sound of the music. The audience cheered in delight. Samuel Harbinger pulled a stunned Pope Linus up off his throne.

"In Africa, when a man's heart is full, he dances. Come, let us dance together, Holy Father."
A horrified pope looked at Bishop Harbinger. "A pope does not dance. It is undignified and would scandalize many in the church."

Despite his unconventional entrance, Samuel The Bishop of Lipoppo's simple logic and truly kind heart prove to be an immovable force for good. Much as St. Francis of Assisi before him, Bishop Samuel of Lipoppo casts off the constraints of the Church and appeals to the goodness of human nature to bring change where ever he goes.

Gerry McGlaughlin was born and raised in the borough of the Bronx in New York City. After graduating from Fordham College, he went on to earn a law degree. After practicing law for several years, he eventually went on to become the Dean of the Loyola Law School in Los Angeles. He has three children.