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The Fate of Prop. 8 -- Mega Pastor and Statewide Leader for Natural Marriage, Dr. Jim Garlow, Stands Ready for the California Supreme Court Ruling on Proposition 8 Tomorrow at 10am . Will The Vote of the People be Upheld?
Contact: Mary Kuper, 619-972-2221, mkuper@prodigy.net
SAN DIEGO, May 25 /Christian Newswire/ -- Known nationally for his tireless efforts in defending natural marriage by leading the charge to pass Proposition 8, the marriage initiative that defines marriage as only between a man and a woman, which won in California's November 2008 election, mega Pastor Dr. Jim Garlow of Skyline Church in San Diego stands ready to continue the battle to preserve natural marriage in California and nationwide, on the eve of the California Supreme court's ruling, and on his 64th birthday.
Pastor Garlow has been a front and center statewide leader in the California battle to save marriage. Through the "Pastors Rapid Response Team" which he founded, Garlow and his team galvanized thousands of pastors across the state of California monthly, motivating them to engage their congregations and take action and support current issues including defending natural marriage.
Last week in Washington DC, Dr Garlow received the distinguished "Watchman on the Wall" award from Tony Perkins of the Family Research Council.
The Pacific Justice Institute last month also honored Dr. Garlow. "Proposition 8 would not have passed if it wasn't for the efforts of Jim Garlow," said Brad Dacus, President, Pacific Justice Institute.
In addition to defending marriage, Dr. Garlow last week organized the San Diego "Choose Life!" rally where over 1100 attendees gathered in support of the pro-life movement, in an impressive unprecedented gathering of mega pastors and leaders in the pro-life community, during President Obama's speech to the University of Notre Dame.
This week Dr Garlow is organizing another huge rally in San Diego, this one in support and thanksgiving of natural marriage, to be held on Sunday May 31 Pentecost Sunday at 3pm at the San Diego County Administrative building.
Dr Garlow hosts a daily nationwide radio commentary called "The Garlow Perspective" heard on nearly 700 radio outlets across the country.
Garlow has participated in nearly 600 interviews including the national Dr. Phil Show, Larry King Live, Fox News, NBC, CNBC, ABC, CNN, MSNBC, New York Times, Los Angeles Times, Wall Street Journal, USA Today, and AP.
Dr Garlow has authored ten books, including New York Times bestseller Crackin the DaVinci Code. His new book Heaven and the Afterlife will be released in July.
Dr Garlow holds three Master degrees and a PhD respectively.
Today, Dr Jim Garlow celebrates his 64th birthday.