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Obama Attacks Guns and Religion as Assaults on Freedom; Catholic Bishops Who Support Obama Anti-Gun Policies Epitomize Stupidity

Contact: John Snyder, Telum Associates, LLC, 202-239-8005, gundean@gmail.com

WASHINGTON, June 7, 2013 /Christian Newswire/ -- "The Obama attacks on religion and gun rights reflect the administration's intolerance of individual freedom," John M. Snyder of Telum Associates said here today.

"Catholic bishops who support Obama's gun control policies epitomize stupidity," he added.

Following is a link to a video synopsis of these opinions: youtu.be/zDndZKzusR0

Snyder said, "The administration's assault on religious freedom is despicable. Its mandate forcing people to act against their religious conscience in insurance payment for abortion is tyrannical.

"Let us support the Fortnight for Freedom initiated by U.S. Catholic bishops to reverse the administration's mandate. The initiative is a two week program leading up to the Fourth of July."

Snyder stated, "The assault on religion and the assault on gun rights come from freedom haters. They believe the state is superior to individual freedom.

"Catholic bishops should realize this. They should not be sucked into attacks on freedom, as some of them have with their public support for restrictive gun control.

"They should realize that promotion of abortion and promotion of gun control are two sides of the attack on life," Snyder continued. "People own guns to protect lives from criminal assault, and for other legitimate reasons. One hundred million Americans own 300 million rifles, shotguns and handguns. Citizens annually buy over 10 million firearms. Recent studies by the U.S. Department of Justice and the Pew Research Center reveal that firearm-related homicide decreases as private firearms ownership increases.

"Anti-gun propaganda and emotionally-charged media attention to high-profile murders create a false impression. The truth is that relaxations of restrictions on gun carrying correlate with reductions of rates of murder and other violent crime. Scholarly studies by Professor John Lott and others show this. Generally, guns save lives."

Snyder said, "Bishops who say they support a right to life and endorse unreasonable restrictions on guns used to protect life render themselves subject to charges of rank hypocrisy. Unfortunately, they may raise suspicion about the church they supposedly serve and undermine evangelization efforts. They risk being characterized as 'useful idiots' for serving the enemies of freedom, right to life and right to defend life.

"That is the epitome of stupidity."
