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Young Adult Activists to Promote 'A Condom Reality Check' in College Hall at Montgomery County Community College on Friday, February 12, 2010 from 12 Noon to 2 PM

This event is in response to "Condom Awareness Day" being held at the campus by the Montgomery County Health Department on Monday, February 15, 2010.

Contact: Megan Mastroianni, Generation Life, 518-881-6359, mmastroianni@generationlife.org

BLUE BELL, Penn., Feb. 11 /Christian Newswire/ -- Generation Life is sponsoring this outreach to encourage students to embrace real sexual freedom. The challenge to them will be to make chastity, i.e., saving sex for marriage, an essential part of their plans to observe Valentine's Day.

Megan Mastroianni, head of our College Outreach, summarized the competing messages. "Chastity promotes overall health and never involves putting the loved one at risk. It's not an oppressive lifestyle, rather it's freedom in the truest sense. The condom message reduces the value of sex to a self-gratifying act."

Miss Mastroianni also criticized the rationale for this "Condom Awareness Day" at Montgomery County Community College (MCCC). "Condoms do little to reduce the risk of HIV infection. Advocating condoms used for this reason is like offering free tickets for an airline flight that has a 20% chance of crashing. Furthermore, condoms offer no protection against the leading STD, human papilloma virus, because it is spread by skin-to-skin contact.

"'Condom Awareness Day' is not the solution. We offer an alternative: chastity, which leaves students free from any worry about disease or pregnancy and free to pursue their goals."

For additional information, about this press release, contact Megan Mastroianni at
518-881-6359 or mmastroianni@generationlife.org