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Magazine Challenges People to a Food Fight

This non-profit group is converting clothing into food.

Contact: Greg Arnold, 228-447-2653

PASCAGOULA, Miss., April 3, 2012 /Christian Newswire/ -- Watch out! A food fight of epic proportions has been started by a non-profit organization. They've taken aim at hunger and refuse to back down until everyone is engaged.

"While millions of us eat today and sleep soundly tonight, thousands of children, women, and men will die today from lack of food." Greg Arnold, founder of the magazine, boldly states, "We have choices, while they don't. We are fighting for them as they fight to find food. We need help."

The catalyst behind the foodFIGHT, Greg Arnold, talks about the foodFIGHT mission. "In our modern, connected world, how can we still have a desperation for food? We spend hundreds of dollars on clothes in a month, but we hesitate to put a single, small bowl of food in front of a child or adult who is dying from starvation? Really?!? It's inexcusable, we can do better."

Greg explains, "foodFIGHT is our way of merging two basic necessities of life, food and clothing. We've developed a brand of clothing where all profits go to hunger relief. We only keep one dollar for outreach, the remainder goes directly to hunger relief. We can feed up to 30 people with one t-shirt!"

Live Bold Ministries, a non-profit organization, is determined to serve humankind. "We publish a Christian magazine (www.livebold.org) that urges and encourages readers to put their beliefs into action. Launching foodFIGHT is our way to practice what we preach."

Live Bold Ministries has partnered with Stop Hunger Now (www.stophungernow.org), to help carry out the mechanics of getting food to the hungry. Arnold says, "We chose Stop Hunger Now because of their commitment to hunger relief and high accountability. Their approach is well organized and their impact is real."

The foodFIGHT apparel line was carefully selected and designed with the help of Essential Artist Services. EAS is the outfitter and merchandise provider for Provident Music Group. They understand what the public demands in merchandise. Arnold is pleased with their contribution, "They've helped us select high-quality, fashion forward garments, and they know how to get the most out of our designs. The EAS team has joined the foodFIGHT with us!"

You can find out more about foodFight, the partners, and how to get in the foodFIGHT by visiting www.ffgear.org. Simply buy a shirt, and save a life! Together, we can make a difference.