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Prison Minister Comments on Paris Hilton's Drug Bust

Marty Angelo recently appeared on TruTv to talk about substance abuse amongst troubled celebrities.

Contact: Marty Angelo, 805-405-8174

HOLLYWOOD, Sept. 1 /Christian Newswire/ -- Prison Minister Marty Angelo was asked to comment today on TruTv's "In Session" television program regarding socialite Paris Hilton's recent cocaine drug bust in Las Vegas.

Back in 2007 Angelo reached out to Hilton offering to serve her jail sentence she received for a DUI conviction if she agreed to enroll in a 12-month faith-based residential treatment program. Hilton turned down Angelo's offer and instead served 23 out of a 45 day jail sentence.

"All Hilton did back in 2007 was kick the can down the road," Angelo told "In Session" host, Christi Paul. "She had a golden opportunity to get her life straight back then but unfortunately Hilton did what most substance abusers do and took the road of least resistance and served jail time.

"I see Miss Hilton's recent brush with the law as another nudge from God trying to get through to her that He has a better way." Angelo continued. "There are only so many times in our lives that God gets our attention when we are running wild in the streets which Hilton is very good at doing. It will only get worse for her if she thinks she can outsmart God."

Paris Hilton told television host, Larry King after her release from jail in 2007 that she was given "a new beginning" from God and was done with the party life. She stated she wanted to open a residential program for female inmates coming out of the LA County Jail where she served her time. "That never happened," Angelo remarked when asked by Paul what he thought of Hilton's intentions back then. "The road to hell is paved with good intentions.  She did nothing but return to her party lifestyle and is now back in trouble again. Am I surprised? Absolutely not."

Angelo also recently reached out to troubled actress Lindsay Lohan in the same manner back in 2007 and again in 2010.  "These celebrities need to know that not much has changed over the years." Angelo explained. "Many others have traveled this same road and it always leads to either death, prison, serious hospitalization or recovery. I pray it is the latter for these young women."

Please see Angelo's website for more information: www.martyangelo.com - 805-405-8174
