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Obama Clinches Nomination, but 'Randall Terry' Factor Remains with Catholic and Evangelical Democrats

Terry will run as 'spoiler' in Swing States with Message: Obama Promotes Murder, attacks Church...it is unethical to vote for him.

Contact: Juan Lepanto, 202-531-7547, www.TerryForPresident.com

WASHINGTON, April 24, 2012 /Christian Newswire/ -- The news that President Obama is about to clinch the Democratic nomination is being publicized across the nation.  Articles refer to Obama's overwhelming showing in the primary election cycle; they also mention, however, that Obama's primary triumph is not complete.

Randall Terry's showing in Oklahoma's Democratic Primary on March 6 is figuring into nearly every summary of the 2012 US Presidential Primary election cycle.  Mr. Terry beat Obama in 14 counties, and won 18% of the Democratic vote state-wide, earning him the right to 6 delegates at the national convention, which the DNC subsequently ordered revoked.

It is embarrassing enough to the MSM and the Democratic/Obama reelection machine to acknowledge that the President does not enjoy unanimous support among Democrats.  But the real ongoing story is the implications of Mr. Terry's showing in Oklahoma for the general election.

The lurking danger, of course, is that there exists a set of Democrats -- mainly Catholics and Evangelicals -- who are highly susceptible to Mr. Terry's message. Terry's hard-hitting TV ads ran nearly 100 times during prime time in Oklahoma; they showed aborted babies, and declared that Obama promotes murder, and is attacking the Church. The ads state that a good Christian cannot ethically vote for him knowing his agenda.

These TV ads are designed to cause a crisis of conscience in Catholics and Evangelicals, reminding them of Obama's brazen commitment to the killing of innocent babies through abortion, and his trampling of Religious Liberty through the HHS regulations.

Oklahoma proved that Randall's TV ads are highly influential, and could indeed signal imminent danger for Obama's reelection potential, especially in the swing states.

See Mr. Terry's ads at: www.TerryForPresident.com.

Mr. Terry plans to be a candidate in the general election, running hard hitting TV ads in the swing states of Florida, Virginia, Ohio, Colorado, Pennsylvania, and Iowa. If Mr. Terry's ads have similar results in these key states, Obama would lose the states, and hopefully the White House.

Mr. Terry states:

    "Obama cannot afford to lose Ohio, Pennsylvania, Florida, Indiana, and Virginia. My ads will run in all these states, and will cause a small, but crucial defection from Obama's base. If enough voters have a crisis of conscience because of Obama's promotion of murder and assault on the Church, he will lose the White House. May God make it so."