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Pro-Life Mississippi's Spring Banquet Speaker, Dr. Patrick Johnston, Authors Novel Envisioning Revolution

Contact: Dr. Patrick Johnston, 740-453-9173

MEDIA ADVISORY, March 10, 2011 /Christian Newswire/ -- This family physician from America's heartland has encapsulated a vision for godly government that is daily looking more prophetic and less like fiction.

If the voters concur, Mississippi's Personhood Amendment would effectively ban abortion statewide in November. Abortion bans are popular in Colorado, North Dakota, Oklahoma, Texas, Iowa, Georgia, and Montana.

Most state legislatures are bucking unconstitutional federal dictates with Sovereignty Amendments and resolutions.

"Firearms Freedom Acts" have passed in seven states.

States like Arizona are tackling the crisis of illegal immigration on their own, highlighting federal incompetence.

Thirty-one states have banned gay marriage to insulate against judicial activism.

Twenty-seven states have sued the feds over Obamacare.

School boards and state judges are bucking the feds by refusing to uproot their Ten Commandments monuments.

TEA Parties harness an increasing distrust of federal rule that has not been witnessed since the 1880's. Could all this culminate in states seceding?

"The revolution has already begun," the novel's author, a TEA Party and conference speaker, Dr. Patrick Johnston, affirms. "If Mississippi protects the preborn in submission to God's law and in defiance of tyranny, and the feds intervene with force, would not this be a conflict that God would bless?"

The cause of the Confederacy was crippled because of its tolerance of slavery, notes Johnston. "But we're a terrorist-attack away from disarmament, and a Court decision away from mandated gay marriage and physician-assisted suicide. Most Americans are disillusioned with the immoral usurpations of the central government and long for justice for the preborn and righteous leadership. The soil in America is ripe for the seeds of revolution."

If Johnston's novel is an indication of the future, states may soon begin "a divorce from the bankrupt carcass of the U.S. and erect a government that protects God-given freedoms instead of being the chief violator of them, a government established upon truth and justice."

"The Revolt of 2020" -- read it before it happens!

Dr. Patrick Johnston founded the Assn. of Pro-Life Physicians and the Alliance to Reform Education Funding. He directs Personhood Ohio and fathers seven homeschooled children. He is the speaker for Pro-Life Mississippi's Spring Banquet March 24 in Jackson. His novel, The Revolt of 2020, available at amazon.com, is the first in a Trilogy exploring the tension between Christianity and tyranny. His website is www.RightRemedy.org