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New Leaders Offer New Hope for the Mainline Church
Contacts:  Faye Short, 706-778-5032; Rev. David Runnion-Bareford, 207-505-0600
MEDIA ADVISORY, July 14 /Christian Newswire/ -- As mainline churches devolve into a crisis of leadership paralysis and membership decline, the ASSOCIATION FOR CHURCH RENEWAL (ACR), a strategic alliance of renewal groups from the Methodist, United Church of Christ, Presbyterian Church USA, Evangelical Lutheran Churches of America, United Church of Canada, Episcopal Church, Disciples of Christ and other mainline denominations has partnered with EQUIP INTERNATIONAL to train a new generation of leadership to replant and renew historic churches across North America. Founded by Dr. John C. Maxwell in 1996, EQUIP specializes in the development of effective international Christian leaders and is dedicated to developing servant leaders who shoulder responsibility, meet challenges with courage and creativity and never relinquish their God-given dreams.
This new leadership training partnership will be featured at the upcoming ACR national conference "ANSWERING THE CALL, Replanting, Revitalizing and Pastoring the Church" being held August 6 – 8, at Elmhurst College, in Elmhurst IL. According to ACR President David Runnion-Bareford, "This will be a transformational event for all who have a heart for the Mainline Church. God is not done with us yet, and communities across North America are dying to see their historic founding churches come alive again! Now is the time!"
ANSWERING THE CALL will feature EQUIP President John Hull, and EQUIP International Director Tom Atema. This new initiative is being directed by the dynamic former President of the United Methodist Women's Renew, Faye Short who has brought passionate leadership to this critical mission.
ANSWERING THE CALL offers inspiring plenary speakers and practical workshop sessions that will encourage seminarians, pastors and lay leaders with the deep passion of ACR and EQUIP for reaching communities for Christ through congregations that already exist. The conference provides an opportunity for those considering this special call to connect and dialogue with people who have successfully replanted/revitalized their churches. A pre-conference Boot Camp on Friday will focus on specific practical issues unique to this replanting ministry. All seminarians, college students, pastors and lay leaders are urged to check in both for the Conference and the nationwide leadership training opportunities which will follow.
Find out more:
"Answering The Call" Conference information and registration: www.mainlinecall.org
Association for Church Renewal: www.associationforchurchrenewal.com