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We Have Spent it All

Contact: Pastor Don Swarthout, Christians Reviving America's Values (CRAVE), 859-219-1222, 859-619-2811 Cell

WASHINGTON, Aug. 2, 2011 /Christian Newswire/ -- The following is submitted by Don Swarthout of CRAVE:

Today, the House of Representatives has given the government the go ahead to spend an additional 2.4 TRILLION dollars.  This is in addition to our National Debt which stands at 14.3 TRILLION dollars.  This action will make our National Debt 16.7 TRILLION dollars.

One of the points has been forgotten, was once said by many of our elected officials.  "You cannot continue to spend money you DO NOT have any more."  This saying made a lot of sense.  Another saying that would make a lot of sense would be, "We can not continue to steal from the American people to fund others." 

This would be more honest, since these other nations have not paid anything in to the United States of America.  However, many of the citizens of the United States have paid in to the Social Security Program.

The truth is, we are broke in the United States.  At least our government is NOT able to continue to give away YOUR MONEY to suit their needs.  The reality of our government is that too many people in our government are ONLY CONCERNED ABOUT BEING RE-ELECTED.

In addition to this fact, our elected officials are often handled with kid gloves when it comes to how to spend YOUR MONEY.  They make huge salaries and yet they do not spend THEIR MONEY. 

One excuse for our spending was made by a number of people which probably had not thought this thing through.  This was "The congress had raised the National Debt Limit many, many times in the past."  To which I would like to say, "Just because the National Debt Limit has been raised a number of times, does not make it right."

In order for our country to prosper, we must get rid of all those elected officials who voted for our congress to increase the National Debt Limit.  We must return to the idea that we cannot continue to spend more money than we have.

Just in case you are confused about this, are we borrowing more money than we can ever pay back?  Is continuing to spend money we don't have OK?  What is wrong with the idea that we can cut less than we spend in 10 working days?

Our government is greedy and it is broken. 

We must fix it and sooner is better, because it will only get harder to fix it in the future.