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Pro-Life Advocates Will Preach, Lobby, and Perform Skits Outside the Cannon Office Building at the Corner of 1st and C SE Near the Capitol South Metro Station on Thursday, November 5, from 8:30 to 10:00 AM

Also: see video of arrests at Nancy Pelosi's announcement of Health Care bill. www.youtube.com/randallterry#p/u

Also, Mr. Terry was recently on the Stan Solomon Show. Mr. Solomon wanted to know why Insurrecta Nex did the "Nancy Pelosi burn in hell" video competition. Many people were upset by this, and did not understand our motivation. If you want to see a thoughtful interview with Randall Terry and Joseph Landry, click here www.cpnlive.com/blip_archive  

Contact: Kathy Veritas, 904-687-9804; www.OverturnRoe.com
WASHINGTON, Nov. 3 /Christian Newswire/ -- The following is submitted by Randall Terry, Director, Insurrecta Nex:
What: Pro-life advocates will preach, lobby, and perform skits outside the Cannon Office Building.  One skit will be Nancy Pelosi beating a "tax payer slave."  Another will be Nancy Pelosi and Harry Reid in chains in hell.
Who: Mr. Randall Terry and other pro-life advocates.
When: Thursday, November 5, from 8:30 to 10:00 AM
Where: Corner of 1st St. SE, and C St. SE, outside Cannon building, near the Capitol South Metro Station
Pro-life advocates will preach, lobby, and perform skits outside the Cannon Office Building at the corner of 1st and C SE near the Capitol South Metro Station on Thursday, November 5, from 8:30 to 10:00 AM.  One skit will be Nancy Pelosi beating a "tax payer slave."  Another will be Nancy Pelosi and Harry Reid in chains in hell.  "Pelosi" and "Reid" costume wearers will be in rags and chains, guarded by "demons" and "ghouls."

From there they will proceed to Congresswoman Michele Bachmann's rally at the capitol.
Protests scheduled to last until Nov. 12.

Mr. Randall Terry states: 
"Pelosi, Reid, and Hoyer are lying to us. If child-killing wont be funded, why are Hatch's amendments defeated? Why is Pelosi trying to keep debate off the House Floor? Because they are lying -- child-killing is a part of this legislation."