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OPINION: Obama's Two-Faced Friends
Contact: Christian Newswire, 202-546-0054
WASHINGTON, Aug. 10 /Christian Newswire/ -- Gary McCullough (photo), director of Christian Newswire submits the following:
Obama's friends in Congress lambasted automotive executives for using private jets to fly to and from Washington DC; then vote to buy themselves private jets to fly to and from Washington, DC.
Obama's friends in Congress said you can't trust the President's Administration with personal emails (regarding terrorism); then say you can trust the President's Administration with personal emails (regarding the healthcare debate).
Obama's friends in Congress held townhall meetings last week. They roped-off rows of seats near the front, reserved for organizations in support of the President's healthcare plan, specifically ACORN and AARP members. Amateur and news videos showed professionally printed signs held by members of organizations in support of the President's healthcare plan; then hold press conferences and publish op-eds condemning opposition to the President's healthcare plan as being "organized."
Random House Dictionary© defines "two-faced" as deceitful or hypocritical; and lists the synonyms, treacherous, devious, dishonest, false.