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TV Documentary Reveals Fruits of Socialism: Tyranny, Poverty, Bloodshed; Airs Nationwide Sunday May 16 and May 23

Contact: Andrew Scott, Coral Ridge Ministries, 954-334-5332, a.scott@crministries.org

FORT LAUDERDALE, Fla., May 12 /Christian Newswire/ -- Washington's ownership interest in Wall Street, Detroit, plus the government's health care takeover have many observers warning of America's plunge into socialism. A new documentary, Socialism: A Clear and Present Danger, airing nationwide Sunday May 16 and 23, looks at the tyranny, poverty, and bloodshed socialism often produces; its failure to deliver on its utopian promises; and how it violates God's Word.

Part one of the two-part documentary airs Sunday, May 16, in The Coral Ridge Hour time slot. To watch a trailer, click here.

Forbes magazine publisher Steve Forbes describes socialism on the broadcast as "the government guiding or owning resources in the economy, not people in the private markets." It's a system, he says, that "manifestly does not work. If it did, the Soviet Union would've won the Cold War."

Featuring footage from Venezuela and Cuba -- two countries that have experimented with socialism -- the documentary records the great clash in the modern world between two mutually exclusive systems: socialism and free enterprise capitalism.

More than a dozen experts, scholars, and theologians appear on the two-part documentary. Featured guests include Steve Forbes, Rep. Michele Bachmann, Charles Colson, David Horowitz, Marvin Olasky, Joshua Muravchik, and Joseph Farah. They show how historically, socialism has led to poverty rather than prosperity, is rooted in envy and greed, always requires coercion, and has led to the deaths of 100 million people.

A website, www.dangersofsocialism.com, contains additional details about the program. The resource also contains an excerpt from the new book, Ten Truths About Socialism, released in conjunction with the documentary.

"Socialism has delivered tyranny, poverty, and death to millions," said Robert Knight, senior writer for Coral Ridge Ministries and co-author of Ten Truths About Socialism. "So why is Washington driving our nation toward this failed and dangerous idea?"

INTERVIEW REQUESTS: To request an interview with Dr. Jerry Newcombe, co-producer of Socialism: A Clear and Present Danger, or Robert Knight, co-author of Ten Truths About Socialism, please contact Andrew Scott at a.scott@crministries.org or (954) 334-5332.

Coral Ridge Ministries is a Christian media outreach founded by the late Dr. D. James Kennedy. Its programming reaches a national television, radio, and Internet audience at www.coralridge.org.