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A National Minute of Prayer to End Abortion?
Contact: Brad Fenichel, President, Saddle Mountain Communications, 302-229-8040; www.MinuteOfPrayer.org
ELKTON, MD, April 30, 2012 /Christian Newswire/ -- Since the reprinted WWII-era book "The Big Ben Minute" was released in March, the publisher, Saddle Mountain Communications, has received media inquiries about the National Minute of Prayer movement.
What's the bottom line ... what's the angle? Is this about praying to end abortion? The war on terror? The upcoming election?
"The answer is YES," says Brad Fenichel, spokesman for MinuteOfPrayer.org. "And a thousand-thousand other things for which Americans are sensing the call to urgent, fervent, concerted prayer.
"We're not seeking to project our own prayer agenda on the Church," Fenichel says. "The point is that we each pray from the unique angle that God has burdened his or her heart. And as we pray in humility and repentance, at the 9:00 p.m. minute, that's when Heaven touches Earth and God will gloriously respond to our united supplication.
"But abortion -- indeed, of all America's transgressions that pierce the heart of God, our open season on babies is surely the tip of the blade. And naturally, those who are on the front lines of the battle for life will use the Minute of Prayer as an appeal to end abortion. That's as it should be."
In his preface to the republished book, Fenichel quotes a high Nazi official under post-war interrogation: "During the war, you had a secret weapon for which we could find no counter-measure . . . but it was very powerful. . . . 'the Silent Minute.'"
As Americans prepare to observe the May 3 National Day of Prayer, Fenichel challenges us to "reach into the arsenal of history and discover the weapon that defeated Hitler -- united prayer. Let the National Day of Prayer be our opening volley, followed by daily, concerted appeal to Heaven."
"The Big Ben Minute" is available on Amazon.com. For information, see: www.MinuteOfPrayer.org/p/big-ben-minute.html
To call attention to the 9:00 Minute of Prayer, Brad Fenichel's recent book "When We Pipe, God Shall Dance" will be the subject of a giveaway on the National Day of Prayer. The Kindle e-book version (normally $9.99) will be free of charge to the first 900 people who download it from Amazon.com on May 3.
To request a review copy of either book, or to schedule an interview, contact Brad Fenichel at 302-229-8040 or through his blog: www.BradFenichel.org