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SermonIndex Celebrates an Upcoming 10 Years of Ministry and Over 20 Million Sermon Downloads

Contact: Greg Gordon, 778-779-0097, sermonindex@gmail.com

ABBOTSFORD, Canada, March 1, 2012 /Christian Newswire/ -- In the Evangelical Christian world there are few things that remain hidden to many as a great resource and treasure to the church. One of these hidden treasures to some is the website ministry of SermonIndex.net This online ministry began very humbly just about 10 years ago when the founder Greg Gordon in his parents home, ran across a book of Leonard Ravenhill's being impacted by the message started to get this late preacher's sermons online. "I never really considered the website a ministry for the longest time; it simply began as a hobby," states Greg, "Only after the first million sermons where downloaded and many testimony letters came in that I realized God is powerfully using this website for His glory."

This "hobby" has now become one of the premier websites on the entire internet to receive free sermons by some of the best classic preachers from the past.

Many famous leaders in the Church have commended this work and its almost 10 years of ministry now:

"This site is just what the body of Christ needs to prepare us for our Lord's return." - K.P. Yohannan (International Director of Gospel for Asia)

"How I thank the Lord for this great website and ministry." - George Verwer (Founder of Operation Mobilisation)

"What a gift from God to this generation is SermonIndex!" - Dr. Michael L. Brown (President, FIRE School of Ministry)

"I enjoy using sermon index because it allows me to listen to messages from preachers who have gone on to glory." - Michael Catt (Pastor, Sherwood Baptist Church)

We end with a comment from the founder in which he wrote down many years ago and states that he has continually come back to read this to himself to remember that SermonIndex is a work of the Lord:

"Remember it is the work of the Lord! God began it and He will be faithful to finish it for His testimony and glory. You are just a little boy with a few loaves and fish to give to Jesus. Depend on Him, not on yourself nor your abilities, ministry experience or self-confidence. Remember! It is still: Not by might, not by power but by His Spirit."

(For more information or to set up a radio/blog/magazine interview with the founder of SermonIndex.net Greg Gordon, contact us at 778-779-0097 or email: sermonindex@gmail.com).