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Is Barack Obama His Brother's Keeper

Contact: William Murray, Janet (Folger) Porter, 202-554-2358


WASHINGTON, November 3 /Christian Newswire/ -- Senator Barack Obama said Americans need to be "… their brother's keeper …" Barack Obama's own brother, George, lives in a shack with a dirt floor in Kenya and makes $12 a year. Barack Obama's aunt, an illegal alien he writes of in his autobiography, lives in poverty in a slum area of Boston.

Multi-millionaire, Barack Obama will not help them … but he wants you to help them with your tax dollars. He wants to "spread the wealth," that is your wealth, not his.

Hear Barack Obama telling you to be his brother's keeper … See the latest SOUND THE ALARM NOW VIDEO at www.brotherskeeperobama.com

Authorized and paid for by www.SoundtheAlarmNow.com, a project of Government is Not God-PAC: www.gingpac.org.