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Christian Blogger Reveals the Ancient Treaty that Dooms Current Middle East Peace Talks

Contact: Ed Rodgers, 843-681-6256, edauthor@roadrunner.com

MEDIA ADVISORY, Sept. 6 /Christian Newswire/ -- Ed Rodgers, Christian blogger and author of numerous books on America's relationships with Israel and Islam (www.edrodgers.net), reveals why an ancient treaty from Muhammad's time is the real reason why all recent Mid East peace talks are doomed. In his latest blog, Rodgers explains the Treaty of Hudaibiyah, which has served as a model for Muslim leaders since the inception of Islam.

Yasser Arafat was one one such leader, openly admitting that this treaty had been the model for his own brand of diplomacy. The treaty was made during the early days of Muhammad's regional power grab between the prophet (with his out manned band of Muslims) and the Quraysh, the tribe that guarded the "holy city" of Mecca. Having been banished from Mecca to Medina, Muhammad and his followers were determined to join other Arabs in making the yearly pilgrimage to the pagan shrine known as the Ka'aba.

When they had made the 200-mile trip south and were attempting to sneak into the city by the Spring of Hudaibiyah, the men of Quraysh caught them, and kept them out of the city. They did, however, offer Muhammad and his men a rather sweet deal that became known as the Treaty of Hudaibiyah. Both parties agreed not to attack each other for a period of 10 years. Two years after signing the treaty, Muhammad broke it by attacking and overtaking the city of Mecca.

Rodgers explains that Muhammad's blatant treaty breaking has been emulated to this day, and suggests that when Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas (during the recent peace talks) referred to the heroic efforts of Arafat and the 1993 Oslo Peace Accords, Muslims worldwide knew exactly what he was referring to- Hudna. This is an Arabic term for a truce meant to produce a period of calm with an enemy in order to gain concessions, regroup, rearm and reattack at an appropriate time.

Ed Rodgers can be reached at edauthor@roadrunner.com or at 843-681-6256.