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LegacyNationUSA Endorses Mitt Romney

Contact: Tom McQueen, 727-599-1850


TAMPA, May 14, 2012 /Christian Newswire/ -- Tom McQueen, founder of LegacyNationUSA, submits the following and is available for comment:


Election Day, 2012

Redeeming Hope and Change


By Tom McQueen, Founder



On a recent flight from Syracuse, New York to Washington, D.C., the middle-aged woman sitting next to me glanced up from her newspaper and said, "What do you think ever happened to the Hope and Change President Obama promised us?"


As we made eye contact, I sensed the sincerity of her question so I replied, "His Hope went to hell, and his Change has brought our nation to its knees." She paused for a moment, nodded in agreement, and then returned to the article she had been reading.


This is no time to mince words. When you exercise your right to vote in November, there's only one message to send to Barack Hussein Obama -- Enough!


Never before have I been ashamed of the President of the United States. But I'm ashamed now. Never before have I been outraged by the incompetence in the White House. But I'm outraged now. And never before have I thought that our president didn't have our country's best interests at heart. But that's what I think now.


In my opinion, the office of the President of the United States has never seen an individual with less character, less competence, and less commitment to dignify the Christian heritage of the United States of America than Barack Hussein Obama.


Mr. Obama has a predisposition for bailouts and bowing to our enemies. He has socialism on the brain, and no respect for the path our forefathers had chosen for us when they drafted the Constitution. He's the laughingstock of our enemies. His arrogance leads him to take credit for accomplishments that others sacrifice their lives for, and his self-righteousness won't permit him to acknowledge his wealth of tragic mistakes.


Don't get me wrong. Even Barack Hussein Obama has endearing qualities. You have to admire someone whose speech-making ability elevates him from being a community organizer to the highest office in the land. His charming wife and two nice kids seem to make for the perfect White House family.


But those aren't qualities that my colleague down the street likes to hear. He gives great motivational talks, too, and has a beautiful family, but he's not qualified to be the President of the United States. Neither is Barack Hussein Obama.


While Obama is preaching his new campaign slogan, Forward, (a slogan that is evidence of his Marxist roots), it's time for us to stay put and redeem Hope and Change. And here's exactly how we do it.


No President of the United States can ever suppress or take away three of our most basic God-given gifts: our intellect, emotions, and will. And if we employ those gifts to carefully review what's happened in our country since Obama took office, then Mitt Romney becomes the clear and logical choice for president in November.


I want a president who dignifies life and religious liberty. I want a president who understands that handouts and bailouts trample upon the hard work that generations of Americans have undertaken to make our country strong, vibrant, and respected. I want a president who believes that traditional family values are the backbone of our society. I want a president who accepts the fact that hard-working corporate citizens give back to the communities that support them. And Barack Hussein Obama just doesn't get it.


Therefore, the nationwide family of LegacyNationUSA urges you to exercise your right to redeem Hope and Change this fall. Use your God-given gifts of intellect, emotions, and will to reaffirm that we are one nation under God, and make a decision to vote for Mitt Romney for President of the United States of America.


May God continue to bless America. He always does.