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'My Employees Don't Want Free Birth Control--Even If Sandra Fluke Does,' Says Catholic Non-Profit President
Contact: Colin Mason, Population Research Institute, 540-305-9985
FRONT ROYAL, Va., March 5, 2012 /Christian Newswire/ -- In violation of the First Amendment, President Obama has ordered all Catholic nonprofits to provide their employees with so-called "modern methods of birth control."
"We at Population Research Institute reject this unlawful 'mandate,'" says PRI President Steven Mosher. "Not only does it violate our deeply held religious beliefs, it also violates our mission: to protect and defend innocent unborn life."
"Sandra Fluke probably doesn't know that the pill is abortifacient," continues Mosher, "But we do. We also know that the powerful, steroid-based drugs that she is so eager to ingest may lead to blood clots, strokes, early breast cancer and cervical cancer."
"We prosecute athletes for using steroids, and then we deceive young women like Sandra Fluke into thinking that taking megadoses of powerful, steroid-based drugs is completely harmless. How could it be?"
"PRI employees are also not interested in 'free birth control' because they already have a cheap, easy and healthy method of Natural Family Planning Family that involves no powerful, steroid-based drugs or invasive procedures, and is, in fact, promoted by the Catholic Church. All it requires is a little self-control for a few days a month. And what human activities don't?"
"These are all lessons that Sandra Fluke," concludes Mosher. "along with other students at Catholic universities, needs to be taught. In Fluke's case, maybe one of her Catholic professors could also mention to her that she shouldn't expect others to pay for her recreational sex."