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Public Advocate to Defend Family and Target Senators Hatch, Murkowski, Kirk

Reaching One Million in First Week

Contact: Public Advocate, 703-845-1808, eugenedelgaudio@erols.com 

WASHINGTON, July 24, 2013 /Christian Newswire/ -- The following is submitted by Public Advocate president Eugene Delgaudio:
Public Advocate is launching a nation-wide multi media blitz to alert Americans to the betrayal facing us in the U.S. Senate right now.
Statement posted at:
Copies of sample ads posted at:
The so-called Employment Non-Discrimination Act, better known as the Gay Bill of Special Rights, was voted out of a Senate Committee for the first time ever.
It passed with 100% Democrat support, but what was more shocking were the three Republicans who voted for this anti-family and anti-business bill.
The Gay Bill of Special Rights will create additional regulations for all businesses, forcing them to give preference to openly declared homosexual applicants.
Public Advocate is right now gathering signed petitions from supporters in every state of the Union with email blasts, direct mail, targeted robo telephone calls and internet banner advertisements.
Special pressure is being brought to bear on Senators Hatch, Kirk, and Murkowski for their anti-conservative votes in a Senate Committee recently, in their respective states.
Using low tech methods and high tech methods, Public Advocate will reach the targeted Senators in Illinois, Utah and Alaska through the general population audiences of radio, Newspapers, news sites, phone lines, and other public methods.
One low tech method costs two dollars and reaches 5,000 people per hour with the words "Fire U.S. Senator Orrin Hatch For Anti-family vote". It is a small sign on a busy highway.
Other ads simply state "Tell Congress Not To Betray Your Family" in the display portion and are placed above petitions in print ads or linked to online petitions.
As a result of these different, sometimes redundant efforts, pro-Family constituents in these states are now placing a flood of phone calls directly to the three senators' offices, calling for a change of support and to the other Senators asking to oppose the anti-family legislation.
Public Advocate has pledged to collect more than 1 million petitions opposing S. 815, which Public Advocate calls "the Gay Bill of Special Rights" and is presenting them in private and public ceremonies before and during the August recess to coordinate with home state phone calls and visits, forums and town hall meetings held by Senators.