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Pot, Meet Kettle: Conn. Democrats Call FIC, Santorum 'Extremist'

Contact: Peter Wolfgang, Family Institute of Connecticut, 860-548-0066

HARTFORD, Conn., June 7, 2011 /Christian Newswire/ -- Democratic State Party Chair Nancy DiNardo, describing Danbury Mayor Mark Boughton and state Senator Michael McLachlan as "Family Institute Darlings," called upon them today to "stand up and denounce" presidential candidate Sen. Rick Santorum's upcoming appearance at the Family Institute of Connecticut's Annual Banquet because Santorum holds traditional Christian views on human sexuality. Speaking for the Connecticut Democratic Party, DiNardo denounced orthodox Christian morality as "extremism," "discrimination" and "prejudice."

FIC executive director Peter Wolfgang stated, "Nancy DiNardo has a short memory. Just last year FIC's political action committee defended Nancy when she fell victim to extreme elements of her own party who were attacking her with the same McCarthyite tactics she now brandishes against Senators Santorum and McLachlan and Mayor Boughton. In a June 11, 2010 email, FIC PAC wrote 'Last week, [Kevin] Lembo lashed out at Democratic Party chair Nancy DiNardo for attending a fundraising breakfast for the Greater Bridgeport Boy Scouts, a pro-family organization. Even Rep. Mike Lawlor, our longtime opponent, defended DiNardo. We know that DiNardo is no friend to our movement. However, she did the right thing in putting the good of the kids served by the Boy Scouts ahead of her ideology.'

Wolfgang continued, "It is a shame that Nancy now puts her ideology above the common good, using the same McCarthyite tactics that were once aimed at her. She should be better than that.

"An Anti-Christian bias helped drive Waterbury Mayor Michael Jarjura from the Democratic Party. Nancy says that '[d]iscrimination and narrow-minded prejudice has no place in Connecticut.' We agree. We ask her and the leadership of her party to stop practicing it."

The Family Institute of Connecticut Action is non-profit, non-partisan organization dedicated to creating a family-friendly environment in our state. We are working to encourage and strengthen the family as the foundation of society and to promote sound ethical and moral values in our culture and government. You can learn about the Family Institute of Connecticut Action at our web site, www.ctfamily.org, or by calling our Hartford office at (860) 548-0066 or toll-free (877) 33-FAMILY.