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Day Gardner, National Black Pro-Life Union Endorses Brian Murphy for Governor of Maryland
Contact: Day Gardner, President, National Black Pro-Life Union, 202-834-0844, dgardner@NPLU.com

WASHINGTON, Sept. 13 /Christian Newswire/ -- The following is released by Day Gardner, President of the National Black Pro-Life Union:
"Here's a novel idea, let's put a man in the Governor's House who actually knows how to balance a budget. Brian Murphy has the executive business experience necessary to enforce strong fiscal responsibility and free enterprise principles in Maryland. We need jobs and Maryland needs a Governor who can work with companies and encourage them to do business here.

"Brian Murphy also stands boldly for traditional American family values including the sanctity of life.

"Bob Ehrlich on the other hand, had his chance at being Governor and failed miserably. So, I say 'been there done that!'

"Brian Murphy is the 'real deal' and on behalf of the National Black Pro-Life Union, I urge voters to go to the polls to choose Brian Murphy as the Republican nominee this coming Tuesday, September 14th."

The National Black Pro-Life Union is an organization founded to serve as a clearing house to coordinate the flow of communications among all African American pro-life organizations and individuals in order to better network and combine resources.
We realize that if we are to be successful, it is necessary to share information and/or resources as well as "who gets the credit." We acknowledge that the real credit for any good thing always goes to GOD -- not man.