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NPR to Juan Williams: 'Stay in Your Place Boy!'

Bishop E.W. Jackson Sr. Charges NPR with Liberal Racism Against Juan Williams for Defying Liberal Orthodoxy

Contact: Natalie Brown, Press Asst., S.T.A.N.D., 757-410-7740, 757-648-9957

MEDIA ADVISORY, Oct. 22 /Christian Newswire/ -- Bishop E.W. Jackson Sr., President of STAND -- Staying True to America's National Destiny -- is calling National Public Radio's (NPR) firing of Juan Williams "typical elite liberal racism." Jackson has written extensively about liberal paternalism toward blacks and other minorities, and their vicious retaliation when any member of a designated victim group dares defy liberal orthodoxy.

Says Jackson, "Liberals are always accusing others of racism, and posturing as champions of affirmative action and minority group rights. However, they just fired their only black journalist because he dared express feelings shared by most Americans as a result of 911. Liberal elites do not care one wit about blacks or other minorities. They see them as nameless, faceless masses to be kept in line and used. Liberals care about their leftist agenda, but see individual human beings are mere pawns. That's why Schiller attacked Williams by suggesting he needs a psychiatrist."

"Nina Totenberg, classified by NPR as a journalist, has offered outrageously biased leftist statements, but she still has her job. Juan Williams, an opinion and news analyst, is fired for expressing his feelings? The real reasons are that Williams, though black, dared to appear on FOX and make statements which do not pass the liberal litmus test."

Jackson is calling for Congressional defunding of the Corporation for Public Broadcasting which oversees NPR and the firing of CEO Vivian Schiller and VP for News -- Ellen Weiss. He is also calling on civil rights leaders and organizations to "throw off the liberal shackles long enough to actually stand up for what is right, but I am not holding my breath. They are too busy carrying water for their liberal masters."

STAND is a grassroots organization dedicated to restoring America's Judeo-Christian history and values and bringing Americans together across racial and cultural lines as "One Nation Under God." Bishop Jackson is Pastor of a predominantly black church -- Exodus Faith Ministries, an activist in the black community for over thirty years and founder of the Chesapeake Martin Luther King Leadership Breakfast.