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Christian Olympics Health & Wellness: A Fun New Way to Grow Faith During Love Life Wellness Summer Games

Contact: Nick Garces, 912-895-1282

SACRAMENTO, Calif., July 23, 2012 /Christian Newswire/ -- A Christian women's health & wellness organization, Love Life Wellness Inc., has created a fun new way to celebrate the peace and goodwill the Olympics represent by playing a social wellness online game this summer. Coach Liz, Event Director and organizer of the Christian Olympic games says the purpose of the 12-day event is to, "perform daily faith-growing activities that are chosen to create positive health & wellness habits supported by biblical scripture." 

These "Olympic events" are activities such as using a free Facebook app to finger paint a popular biblical scripture, write an encouraging note to a friend, and what Coach Liz calls, "playful silly stuff like telling a biblical joke to a friend." Participants are referred to as "Christian Athletes", and use a popular 3rd party app to track and integrate their faith-based activities. Upon completed the daily events women receive points, rewards, & recognition. 

The 12-day Christian Olympics event starts July 26th, 2012 with opening ceremonies that include: Parade of Athletes, Special Guest Dignitary, Torch Lighting, Virtual Fireworks Display, and runs through Aug 8th, 2012. Christian women will also get free faith-based coaching to learn how the disciple Paul compares growing their faith to a competitive 'race' needing perseverance and daily training to compete and win using God's words for endurance. 

Coach Liz, Director of Events, will present Christian women with prize giveaways such as $50 gas cards, movie passes, and faith-based gifts yet she instructs all participants, "that the ultimate prize is a personal relationship with Jesus Christ, He should always be number one." She wants to take a different approach to growing faith. Coach Liz figures, "what could be more fun then using Facebook and the latest apps to get people to physically go outside and do things that challenge them to grow their faith." She believes faith is partly hearing and partly doing. This why most of the twelve Olympic events are physical activities that must be performed with others.  
The conclusion includes a closing ceremony where awards are presented, a closing prayer, and a virtual fireworks display. 

For details on how to play Christian Olympics watch official promo video here: youtu.be/ogRDi7u9cG4

To participate in the Christian Olympics free of any charges go to: bit.ly/FacebookChristianOlympics

Watch Love Life Wellness talk show here: blip.tv/lovelifewellness