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Why is Donald Trump More Trusted Than Jesus on Finances? Asks David Randolph

Contact: David Madgalene, 510-528-2942, davidra@sonic.net

ALBANY, Calif., March 28, 2012 /Christian Newswire/ -- A recent survey reports that more Americans trust Donald Trump on finances than they do Jesus.  David James Randolph sees a cause for this in the churches weakness in relating the bible to current financial issues as he shows in his new book "Credit Card Christ." In the title sermon the author claims that Jesus Christ is being crucified today on a cross of credit cards between two thieves of greed and idolatry. Christ suffers with the hungry, the homeless, the jobless, and the sick and opens a way to new and better life through bible study, prayer and action. 

Included is the sermon "Have You Ever Loved a Bag Lady?" preached when Randolph was pastor of Christ Church United Methodist in New York City that became a model for church response to the hungry and homeless with eerie relevance today. In this collection of thirty-one sermons we see "A Little Child Shall Lead Them" which he preached when he was pastor of a church in Lowell, MA that contributed to major housing renewal.

Here are sermons that were hailed by educators and entertainers alike. "Every page of this book shows what it is about David Randolph that makes for his well deserved reputation as a superbly communicative preacher," said then President Donald Shriver of Union Theological Seminary of the sermons here entitled "Christ in Manhattan" when they first appeared in print. The entertainer and columnist Joey Adams said of them, "This book by David Randolph is entertaining and joyful. Read it and it will love the hell out of you and bring you closer to God."

Dr. Randolph lives in the San Francisco Bay Area where he preaches, teaches and hosts the New Way Media Festival that pioneers and presents short films and art in new media. Of special interest is the appearance of this work in print alongside the Kindle edition of his groundbreaking book "The Renewal of Preaching in the 21st Century."

"Credit Card Christ" is now available in print and Kindle from Amazon.com along with other books by Dr. Randolph.

For more go to www.amazon.com/books or readyfor911patriotsunday.blogspot.com

A short film  by Randolph entitled "Credit Card Christ" is on youtube: www.youtube.com/watch?v=JK6K1aaau10