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PSA Campaign for World Trade Center- Toxic Dust
Registration Deadline Approaching for 9/11 Workers & Volunteers
Contact: Richard Beattie, the Minister of Leadership and Communications, 888-266-3180, Media@envoycreative.com; Bill Gleason, president@wtcrescuers.org
NEW YORK, Aug. 16 /Christian Newswire/ -- Envoy Creative Media, Inc in cooperation with The World Trade Center Rescuers Foundation is launching a Public Service Campaign Effort worldwide. This is designed to make them aware that there is a cutoff date to register in order to be eligible for compensation in the event they become ill. September 10, 2010- is the cutoff date for registration. Workers who came from many states, cities and countries are eligible as long as they served at Ground Zero during the rescue and recovery effort.
If you know anyone who aided in the 9/11 rescue, recovery operation, If their job took them into the secure area of Ground Zero they need to file the WTC-12 form. Please let them know that there are only days left for them to register to be eligible for workers' compensation in case they develop a 9/11-related illness in the future.
The deadline is Sept. 10, 2010. Of the estimated 100,000+ workers and volunteers eligible to register only about 40,000 have done so. www.wcb.state.ny.us/content/main/forms/wtc-12.pdf
To schedule an interview the President of WTC Rescuers Foundation, Bill Gleason please call Richard Beattie, the Minister of Leadership and Communications at 888-266-3180 or e-mail Media@envoycreative.com. To contact Bill Gleason please e-mail him at president@wtcrescuers.org