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'Divider in Chief' Has Struck Again with Kagan Nomination says Gary Bauer
Contact: Kristi Hamrick, American Values, 571-244-6324
WASHINGTON, May 10 /Christian Newswire/ -- Former presidential candidate Gary Bauer on Monday observed that President Barack Obama has once again broken his campaign promise to unite the country by choosing another left-wing activist, this time for a coming Supreme Court vacancy.
The president of American Values and chairman of the Campaign for Working Families made the following statement following the nomination of Solicitor General Elena Kagan to take a seat on the U.S. Supreme Court:
 "Sadly, President Obama, while saying repeatedly that he wants to bring people together, does something to tear people apart by choosing another liberal activist and long-time abortion advocate to have long-term power over the fabric of American life. Equally troubling at this time of terrorist activity and international unrest is the fact that while she was dean of the Harvard Law school, Kagan opposed military recruiting. Our Armed Forces who protect and defend our freedom deserve better.
"Obama has become the 'Divider in Chief,' choosing racial identity politics, socialist economics and extreme liberal activists who would tear the fabric of American society. Whether you look at his appointments or his policies, Obama goes out of his way to repudiate the values and desires of the American people.
"This is an opportunity for Republicans to represent the values of millions of Americans who are counting on them to defend the rule of law. Republicans in the Senate need to use every tool available to determine the nominee's views on such pivotal issues as whether terrorists deserve the same rights as Americans, whether the U.S. Constitution has hidden code in it supporting radical social change, and whether the Constitution requires that the public square be purged of Judeo-Christian values.
"As a long-time veteran of the judicial nomination process, I urge Senators to courteously, but resolutely, question Kagan about key issues of the day. Given her well-documented support for judicial activism, Americans need to know how she will implement her world view."