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Child Evangelism Fellowship Releases New Series of Bible Lessons for the Truth Chasers Club

Contact: Melody Bentley, 571-274-6058

WARRENTON, Mo., Nov. 8, 2011 /Christian Newswire/ -- This month, Child Evangelism Fellowship, the largest Christian ministry to children in the world, will offer a new Bible lesson series through its discipleship ministry called the Truth Chasers Club. Formerly known as the CEF Mailbox Club, the Truth Chasers Club is a Bible club through the mail which has over 43,000 active students in the United States. The name of the club was changed in May to coincide with the introduction of its new curriculum for children 17 and under, and the new benefit of free postage for these club members. CEF divides these children into six age levels and is in the process of producing two series with six lessons each for every level. The newest series, called Get Going with God, is the sequel to God Speaks to Me. Both are designed for children between the ages of seven and eight.

CEF has already produced three other new series this year: God's Building Blocks for children six years and under, God Cares for You for 10-11 year olds, and Life is Valuable for 12-13 year olds. According to Mrs. Ashley Alden, CEF Discipleship Coordinator responsible for creating these series, two more series are in production and will be available within the next six months: God: Real or Fantasy? for 14-17 year olds, and, Growing with God, the second series for children six years and under.

Mr. David Howe, the Director of the Truth Chasers Club, said the feedback he has received from children and their parents has been overwhelmingly positive: "I loved it and can't wait for my next lesson," wrote Alyssa, about God Speaks to Me. Describing God Cares for You, a boy named Samuel responded "It is very cool! It has a lot more stuff in it. I'm glad it isn't black and white. It has a lot of colors! I like the bookmarks. Because I keep losing mine. The lessons smell like crayons. P.S. I saw Samuel Morse on the time line and he is in my history book in school. Did you know the Morse code was named after him?" Amanda who commented on the same series said, "I love the new lesson! It doesn't take a stamp, so my dad likes it, too! I understand it better, too. Thank you so much :)"

Such comments are common, said Mr. Howe, and he is finding that there is a higher return rate for these new lessons. "They are enthusiastic about the lessons because they are brighter, more attractive and the pictures are of children they can identify with," he explained. "The lessons are also more engaging because they include more activities along with reading and studying."

With 43,000 active students, one might imagine that the lessons they complete and send back would be checked electronically for accuracy. In fact, the lessons are checked by an army of volunteers at the Discipleship Center at CEF Headquarters in Warrenton, Missouri. Last year alone, 600 volunteers came from all over the United States to assist; some for a week at a time, some for months. CEF has an RV Park on its grounds to accommodate the many retired couples who come for an extended period of time. Mrs. Alden explained that the volunteers ensure each club member's lesson gets personalized attention. When they review a lesson they pray for the child and will send handwritten notes of encouragement, called Huggie Notes, back with the checked lesson and the next lesson to the club member. Club members often include prayer requests with their returned lessons and these requests are faithfully prayed for by the volunteer when the lesson is reviewed. Birthday cards are sent to club members whose birthdays are within two weeks. Prizes and certificates are sent when milestones are reached, such as the completion of a series. When two different series are completed, children between the ages of seven and seventeen receive a Bible with their name engraved on the cover. "[The Truth Chasers Club] is a great tool for helping children get in the habit of studying the Bible daily," according to Mr. Howe.

Children interested in joining the Truth Chasers Club and receiving their first lesson can sign up at www.truthchasersclub.com.