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'The Prayer Promise Of Christ' Called 'A Gift To Humanity'

Contact: Edward Mrkvicka, 815-568-8267

MARENGO, Ill., March 16, 2011 /Christian Newswire/ -- Edward Mrkvicka's latest book, The Prayer Promise of Christ, has received nothing but praise from reviewers, and has been named Best Christian Book of the Year by Books & Authors.net.

Nationally known and respected book reviewer Todd Rutherford says the following in his just released review.

"In The Prayer Promise of Christ, Edward F. Mrkvicka, Jr. addresses the mounting frustration of unanswered prayer. The dilemma is two-fold since some whose prayers go unanswered repeatedly generally cease to pray or believe. It should be noted, too, that few individuals actually pray unconditionally. Herein lies the problem. According to Mrkvicka, God commands the individual to pray -- following a specific directive -- to obtain His mercy and grace; however, 'it is virtually ignored by most Christians or said in a way as to make it meaningless.' It's not that people are being disrespectful or apathetic; on the contrary, reacquainting today's population with the real truth of Jesus' instructions is the task at the heart of the matter.

"Using numerous scripture references, the author makes a resounding point: we live in a world of spiritual neglect, where individuals cannot, or do not, take the necessary time to learn everything they can about the one true God. For instance, He has myriad divine qualities; He is love, healer, creator, omnipotent, omnipresent, and the embodiment of righteousness. In a nutshell, Christians must pray in the way that God intended for them to pray, and rest assured that the Prayer Promise of Christ will be fulfilled.

"Ultimately, doubt is the Devil when it comes to having your prayers fulfilled. By doubting God, you essentially doubt His omnipotence. Toward the end of the book, Edward Mrkvicka, Jr. has compiled a list of criteria that must be met prior to being ready for the fulfillment of The Prayer Promise of Christ:

"The list is exhaustive and extensive (p. 153-154) and is a valuable resource for those truly interested in making the fulfillment of your prayers an everyday reality. Lay minister Edward Mrkvicka is an award-winning Christian author, devoted Bible student, and messenger of the true Word. Overall, The Prayer Promise of Christ by Edward F. Mrkvicka, Jr. is truly a gift to humanity and is a must-read for all Christians who wish to experience a more meaningful prayer life."