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Homeschoolers for Romney Announces Video Contest

Contact: Ana Rojas, Homeschoolers for Romney, 786-427-4089

MIAMI, Oct. 16, 2012 /Christian Newswire/ -- Homeschoolers for Romney, a national web site for home educators who are backing Mitt Romney for president, announced today a video contest which will enable homeschooled children to win cash prizes by articulating their support for the Romney/Ryan ticket. Cash prizes of $500 for first place, $250 for second place and $125 for third place will be awarded. Children between the ages of 5 and 18, who are currently being homeschooled, are eligible. Complete contest rules and on-line submission form are available at www.HomeschoolersForRomney.com.

Homeschoolers who enter the contest will make a short video, from sixty seconds to three minutes, explaining "Why You Need to Vote for Mitt Romney." Creativity is encouraged -- from making a persuasive speech, to doing a skit, using animation, or even singing a song. But, while the videos will be fun to do, the 11 year-old homeschooler who started Homeschoolers for Romney, Ethan, hopes the project will have a national impact.

"This video contest gives homeschooled kids a chance to have their voices heard in this super important election," explained Ethan, who, like many homeschoolers his age, is articulate and politically informed, "Our generation is being saddled with mind-blowing debt by President Obama -- we are being stuck with a bill for trillions of dollars, a bill we will be responsible for. Then there are issues such as dealing with Iran and protecting religious freedom which will affect us long after Obama is gone. But, while we cannot vote yet, I think homeschoolers can have a huge influence in this election. I believe that by praying and also by educating people on the issues, we can show that a vote for Romney is a vote for our future."

On www.HomeschoolersForRomney.com, the tween blogs both in writing and in videos, to inform his peers about the issues in the presidential election. "I often have political discussions with my friends and others I meet. A really big concern of mine is that a lot of homeschoolers and other Christians across the nation are saying they are going to go third party in this presidential election," Ethan said, "That would be disastrous. If they go third party, they are basically voting for Obama."

"I myself was in favor of Ron Paul during the primary, but the primary is over. We need to vote for Romney now because every vote counts in a close election. I want people to study electoral history and remember what happened when people voted for third party candidates like Ross Perot." Ethan explained exuberantly, "I know Romney is not perfect, but he is our best bet to preserve the Constitution. Studying the constitution is a passion of mine, and this president has overstepped the powers of the executive branch many times. Probably the most important reason of all for us to vote solidly for Romney is that the next president will choose several Supreme Court nominees -- that alone should wake people up."

"When I realized this election was going to be so, so close, and when I saw Obama lying about Romney, I decided that I could not sit on the sidelines and watch this happen," Ethan explained. He said the idea for the video contest came after he was going to create his own YouTube video about the constitution and to make the case for voting for Romney. "But then, I thought, I am just one person. What if we had thousands of homeschooled kids making videos and posting them and sending them to family members and friends who were on the fence?" Homeschoolers for Romney was born.

When asked why he is doing this, Ethan said, "I want to help mobilize an army for Romney -- I want to wake up the sleeping army of homeschoolers out there. This contest is a start."

"This election is probably the most important one America has ever faced -- it will make or break America, so don't just sit there," admonished Ethan, "Please spread the word about this video contest and send in your video ASAP." Entries will be posted on www.HomeschoolersForRomney.com for public viewing. Deadline for entry submission is November 5, 2012.