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Stand Up for Religious Freedom Coalition Leadership Available to Discuss Supreme Court's ObamaCare Decision

Coalition Protested Nationally with 308 Rallies in 200 Cities to Oppose the HHS Abortion Mandate

WHO: Eric Scheidler, Co-Director, Stand Up for Religious Freedom Coalition

WHAT: Available for media interviews to respond as the representative of the interfaith coalition that opposed the HHS abortion mandate as a result of ObamaCare

WHEN: After the Supreme Court releases its decision on ObamaCare

WHERE: Phone, Chicago news bureaus, Skype

Contact: Tom Ciesielka, 312-422-1333, 312-403-1333 cell, tc@tcpr.net

CHICAGO, June 25, 2012 /Christian Newswire/ -- Leadership from the Stand Up for Religious Freedom coalition will be available after the high court issues its ruling on the constitutionality of ObamaCare. This year, in March and June, more than 120,000 Americans took to the streets in public protest against the HHS Mandate, a policy implemented under ObamaCare, because it violates the religious freedom and conscience rights of religious employers by requiring them to provide free surgical sterilizations and abortion-inducing drugs in their health plans.

Mr. Scheidler will offer a response to the Supreme Court decision and next steps for this national religious freedom coalition.

News release and related media resources available at the following link:



Thomas Ciesielka
312-422-1333 (o)
312-403-1333 (c)

TC Public Relations
333 N. Michigan Ave., Suite 1322
Chicago, IL 60601
