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Colored Letters in Both Testaments

Contact: Jeff Smith, The Alphachromatic Project, 812-883-1870, psalm29.4@hotmail.com

SALEM, Ind., April 21, 2011 /Christian Newswire/ -- Jeff Smith, Steward of "The Alphachromatic Edition of the Old and New Testaments," announced today that a free and complete version of "The Alphachromatic Edition" has been posted at www.the29thPsalm.com.

Smith explained, "A good red letter edition of the New Testament is a valuable tool; however, since God spoke not only as the Son but also as the Father and as the Holy Spirit, a more complete visual commentary on the voice of God would often be helpful. 'The Alphachromatic Edition' is such a commentary. Its blue, red, and purple letters clearly identify the words God spoke in all three of His voices in both testaments. As I like to say, 'It's all right here in black and white--and blue and red and purple.'"

Smith hopes that those who visit the website will pay close attention to the "Develop Your Own Alphachromatic Edition" page and will dive in to The Alphachromatic Project. He especially encourages homeschooling families as well as Christian schools, colleges, and seminaries to include The Alphachromatic Project in their curricula.