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Clergy to Meet in Emergency Session During Supreme Court Hearings on Obama Health Care Mandate

Contact: Patty Bills, National Clergy Council, 202-546-8329 ext 101

WASHINGTON, March 20, 2012 /Christian Newswire/ -- The executive committee of the National Clergy Council will meet in emergency session, immediately across the street from the US Supreme Court, on March 26, the first day of oral arguments on health insurance mandates. The panel of church leaders will consider further actions in mobilizing their constituents across the country to resist intrusions on rights of conscience and constitutionally protected religious freedom.

Who: The National Clergy Council executive officers and advisors representing church leaders from Catholic, Evangelical, Orthodox, and Protestant affiliations.

What: Emergency meeting of the Executive Committee

Where: Faith and Action Ministry Center (The Honorable William J. Ostrowski House) 109 2nd Street, NE, Washington, DC, 20002.

When: Monday, March 26, 2012, 2:00 - 4:00 PM. Open to media at any time before, during, and after.

Why: To call for further action on the part of clergy and churches in resisting the intrusion of government on the rights of conscience and faith in relation to health insurance mandates.

For information contact Patty Bills of the National Clergy Council, 202-546-8329, ext 101.