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Author Uses Futuristic Novel to Attack PC

Contact: PJ Rutar, Author Solutions, 800-288-4677 ext 5391, prutar@authorsolutions.com

MEDIA ADVISORY, Aug. 10 /Christian Newswire/ -- In the Kicker of St. John's Wood (published by iUniverse), Gary Wolf updates Orwell for the era of political correctness. No aspect of our post-modern intellectual meltdown escapes his pen: multiculturalism, feminism, affirmative action, dumbing-down, and the race-baiting industry are all subjected to merciless satire.

The Kicker of St. John's Wood is a story of America in the year 2020: Fractured socially and politically, its enemies are gaining ground and its civil liberties are threatened like never before.

Jayesh Blackstone, a professional football player, finds himself at the focal point of an historic experiment: a woman is going to play in a football game, and it will happen in the Super Bowl. It turns out that this is just a foretaste of the metamorphosis that is taking shape. The very same event is the venue for an announcement by world leaders of a new order, one that defines humanity exclusively in terms of race and gender.

Jayesh, whose mother is from India, is constantly hounded to be "Asian," as in the following exchange with the team's director of public relations, who tells him that he is going to be...

"Nothing less than a personal guest of President Vesica Malpomme."  "President Malpomme?" I said, not believing my ears. "I didn't think she was such a big football fan."  "What difference does it make? They're having a reception for Asian people...for Asian...oh what the hell is it..." Hannibal extracted a sheet of paper from the inside pocket of his jacket. "Oh yeah, here it is. Disadvantaged Asians in Sports and Entertainment. I had to pull a few strings to get you in there, Jayesh, don't think it was easy."  "But I'm not disadvantaged and I'm not Asian," I protested. "Oh, come on," he moaned, giving me a pat on the shoulder. "Play along. Be Asian. What do you care? For God's sake, Jayesh, you look like Mahatma Gandhi on steroids."

Embracing controversy from its very first pages, The Kicker of St. John's Wood is a rampage through the pantheon of contemporary idols, and a literary journey into the American national psyche of the twenty-first century. Oleg Atbashian of the satirical political website The People's Cube described Wolf's previous novel, Workshop of the Second Self, as "smart, profound, engaging...it's Atlas Shrugged meets 1984."

For more information on Mr. Wolf and his writing, go to http://awolcivilization.com.