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It's Time to End Obama's 100-Day Honeymoon, Says Crouse

Contact: Valerie Mosher, Concerned Women for America, 202-488-7000 ext. 126

WASHINGTON, April 29 /Christian Newswire/ -- As President Barack Obama reaches the 100-day mark of his presidency, commentators are assessing his performance in very laudatory terms.  "The media hype about President Obama's first 100 days spares no cliché or hyperbole in trying to convince America that our new president ranks among our nation's greatest," says Dr. Janice Shaw Crouse, Director and Senior Fellow of Concerned Women for America's Beverly LaHaye Institute. 

"The political commentators need to take off their rose-colored glasses and stop bending over backwards to describe Obama's policies as moderate and his changes as positive advances for freedom and democracy around the world," says Crouse.  "Underneath all the media visuals that make a compelling story, there is the sobering reality that this president is very divisive and extremely partisan."

"The major changes made by this administration are going unnoticed by the major media as they focus on adoration of the president.  President Obama is instituting domestic policies 'under the radar' that will fundamentally change the nation's social contract with its citizens.  His foreign policy gaffes and his overreaching in regards to the financial crisis have overshadowed his worst offenses and his primary agenda: restructuring the domestic social policies of the United States of America by usurping the basic foundation stones of America's domestic policies and the pro-life, pro-family, pro-marriage stances that have made this nation the envy of the rest of the world."

Crouse warns, "After a 100-day honeymoon, it is past time for everyone to take a cleansing breath of fresh air and taste a bit of reality.  The press had better stop kissing Obama's feet, get up off of its knees, and use its constitutionally-protected freedom to start reporting the facts about the mess this country is struggling to get out of.  If you want to see where the media's uncritical, mindless praise-fest is taking us, think Detroit."

Concerned Women for America is the nation's largest public policy women's organization.