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PassTheNotes Begins Global Launch of Educational Platform - Leading-edge Platform Utilizes Tools and Technology to Bring Innovation to Educational Community

Contact: PassTheNotes.com, 305-791-4941, press@passthenotes.com

MIAMI, Jan. 18, 2011 /Christian Newswire/ -- Frankie Coletto, the Founder of PassTheNotes, announced today the launching of PassTheNotes.com and the kickoff of the platform's principle funding project. PassTheNotes, an educational platform and virtual desk community, will unite students from around the world to learn and share together. Currently in its alpha phase, PassTheNotes is in the process of securing start-up funding through a variety of ways, including, meeting and collaborating with angel investors and networks and also receiving funds from sponsors through their website's pledge page.

The goal of PassTheNotes is to become the world's best and most creative virtual desk - helping schools and students reach their full potential. PassTheNotes' SAAS (software as a service) platform will revolutionize education - allowing educators, students and developers the ability to create, manage, distribute and monitor interactive themes and content. The ease of use with PassTheNotes is unmatched; everyone will get a free virtual desk, where users can upload, organize, edit, share and have the option to purchase products, all through a fully interactive drag and drop environment...while also giving users the ability to express individuality by personalizing their "desk" on their terms. With PassTheNotes, schools, teachers and students will be able to set and reach goals like never before. With state-of-the-art analytics that measure and track a student's progress, how a student learns and which methods work versus which methods don't are better understood. These analytics enable teachers to engage students individually and use different types of media throughout the learning process, helping each student achieve success.

In addition to the analytics and tools mentioned above, users will also enjoy a plethora of features including: messaging and sharing capabilities, themes with exclusive content, gaming, augmented reality, social media and chat engagement, folder structure for desk organization, etc. An additional plus for users revolves around every note that is passed in the platform, which will earn the user points, redeemable later for discounts, apps, purchasing brand products, etc. Another standout feature of PassTheNotes is its SDK (software development kit). "Developers can come in and create educational applications that serve a purpose and help people progress," explained Reynaldo Columna, Co-Founder and Lead Developer. "The main difference between our educational platform and others already in use is that we are opening up our SDK to the community, allowing them to build and submit educational apps. PassTheNotes will be leading the industry in a direction that it has never gone in before."

Coletto also touched on the SDK, stating, "Using PassTheNotes will allow schools to create their own ecosystem where students that learn to code can develop apps for other students, helping them do better in school. In addition, the students making the apps can either distribute them free or sell them as virtual goods. All the while, the school is benefiting from the students collaborating on a more social level to reach their full potential. Schools can become more of a facilitator of collaboration, letting student creativity thrive." Coletto added, "Our goal is to get brands involved in order to cut the cost of the platform for schools. It's actually something that no one is doing. In terms of development, our motto is 'develop once, deploy to many.' This is really one of our primary development focuses, where our application will be available across any and every device - mobile or desktop."

All four co-founders of PassTheNotes have spent the past three years developing the educational platform, sacrificing countless hours to pursue their dream. With their recent launch of a sponsorship page on the PassTheNotes website, which allows pledges of different monetary amounts, the team of PassTheNotes plans on taking their "out of the garage story" to the next level. "Through the building of a flexible online platform, PassTheNotes will be bridging the gap in education between the real world and the virtual world - bringing reality online," shared Sean McClure, Co-Founder and Lead Designer. "Our goal is to give every student in the country a virtual desk."

"Our social learning platform leverages student interest with curriculum and assists in their learning process," added Ibram Gaston, Co-Founder and Client Manager. "Our plan is to start signing up schools in a private beta, giving them their own account to access our platform and letting them test us out. Our goal is to surpass programs that are already out there, and succeeding because of the progressive aspects of our platform that are not currently available to schools or students."

Don't miss your opportunity to get connected to what will become the world's largest educational platform. For more information about PassTheNotes, and to learn more about becoming one of the first schools or groups to get involved in the alpha testing of the platform, please visit: www.PassTheNotes.com, email: press@passthenotes.com or call: 305-791-4941.

For further investment information or to become a sponsor, please visit: www.PassTheNotes.com/sponsors  

Check out PassTheNotes on social media venues: twitter.com/passthenotes or at facebook.com/passthenotes.