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Bart Stupak Goes 'POOF!'

Contact: Day Gardner, National Black Pro-life Union, 202-834-0844

MEDIA ADVISORY, April 13 /Christian Newswire/ -- Even though polls have consistently shown that America did not want the socialist healthcare monster that recently slithered through the House and Senate, it is being shoved down our throats anyway. Until the very last moment we all held our collective breath cheering on Rep. Bart Stupak and the other Democrats who were willing to risk it all by standing up for God's smallest children.

We saw the so called pro-life left crumble Representative by Representative as dirty deals were made behind closed doors--each one receiving their 30 pieces of silver--to continue the delivery of dead children.

But wait...not Bart Stupak! I mean, after all he said that he would stand firm against abortion, didn't he? Yeah, right!

Many Americans put so much trust in Rep. Bart Stupak and the other Democrats who stood with him when they promised that they would stand firm--no matter what--to insure there would be NO taxpayer funded abortion.

Mr. Stupak even tried to sell us on the ever so precious "executive order." We Americans may be temporarily blinded by the little flashes of light in Washington, DC, but we are not stupid. We all know an executive order is practically worthless.

Stupak's vote--a switch from NO to YES is unfortunately proof that he was and is without backbone. At one time, I saw him as a steadfast warrior who stood on principles of everything just and righteous--but in an instant with a 'yes' vote, he is demolished in my mind--becoming nothing but a cloud of dust. "Poof!" Rep. Bart Stupak...just another member of Congress who promised so much, yet delivered so little and in fact, delivered nothing.

As of last week, Rep. Stupak announced that he will not seek re-election.

Mr. Stupak, you will be sadly missed by this pro-lifer...NOT!

Day Gardner is President of the National Black Pro-Life Union, an organization founded to serve as a clearing house to coordinate the flow of communications among all African American pro-life organizations and individuals in order to better network and combine resources.

We realize that if we are to be successful, it is necessary to share information and/or resources as well as "who gets the credit." We acknowledge that the real credit for any good thing always goes to GOD–not man.
