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New York Times Falsely Claims National Cancer Institute Denied Abortion-Breast Cancer Link

Contact: Karen Malec, Coalition on Abortion/Breast Cancer, 847-421-4000

MEDIA ADVISORY, Oct. 13 /Christian Newswire/ -- The stridently pro-abortion New York Times (NY Times), troubled that the abortion-breast cancer (ABC) link is bad for the abortion industry's business, published an article yesterday by Susan Dominus, who falsely claimed that crisis pregnancy centers give women information that "has been medically refuted (including an old standby, rejected by the National Cancer Institute (NCI) that abortions cause higher rates of breast cancer)." [1]

"Dominus didn't read the NCI's Summary Report," said Karen Malec, president of the Coalition on Abortion/Breast Cancer. "The agency acknowledged one of the three ways abortion raises risk - through the loss of the risk-reducing effect of childbearing. Medical texts say increased childbearing, starting before age 24, and increased lifetime duration of breastfeeding sharply reduce risk. Therefore, the woman who has a full term pregnancy has a lower risk than the one who has an abortion. The NCI contradicted itself by denying abortion is associated with increased breast cancer risk.

"NARAL Pro-Choice America knows the ABC link is bad for business. Knowledge of a link between combined (estrogen + progestin) hormone replacement therapy and breast cancer caused thousands to stop using it. NARAL is turning the tables by attacking crisis pregnancy centers that tell the truth about the ABC link."

The bankrupt NY Times has a history of belligerence against scientific evidence supporting an ABC link. It has never informed women about the risk reducing effect of childbearing in comparison to abortion, which doesn't reduce risk. See our commentary for a discussion of the Times' bias.

"NARAL's abortionists should be made to disclose the recognized breast cancer risks of abortion and the pill," said Malec.

"Either the Times is guilty of sloppy reporting or it still has writers, like Jayson Blair, committing journalistic fraud and representing fiction as honest journalism. Its reckless disregard for women's lives is comparable to that of University of Texas sniper Charles Whitman, who mowed down 14 people from a tower. The Times and the NCI, however, is responsible for thousands of deaths."

The Coalition on Abortion/Breast Cancer is an international women's organization founded to protect the health and save the lives of women by educating and providing information on abortion as a risk factor for breast cancer.

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