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New Christian Kids' DVD Series Offers $10,000 Grand Prize to Child; Ray Comfort Endorses

Contact: Adam McManus,

ATLANTA, July 5, 2011 /Christian Newswire/ --  Imagine a DVD series combining the fun adventure of a Young Raiders of the Lost Ark, the high-tech gadgetry of Mission Impossible and the Scriptural conviction of Bibleman.  All of those elements are masterfully interwoven throughout Samuel L. Collins and The Search for Biblical Truths, a new product line designed to reach Christian children and tweens.

In each half-hour episode created by Linda Vista Pictures, 13-year-old Samuel pursues top-secret clues to solve encrypted cipher codes which reveal Biblical truths.  Most intriguingly, the young viewer becomes actively engaged as he's invited to solve clues alongside Samuel hidden throughout the show and in the special features section. In the process, he will "own" the same, just-revealed Biblical truth. Plus, in separate contests on the website www.SearchForBiblicalTruths.com,  he can be qualified to win the $10,000 Grand Prize.

No wonder Ray Comfort, author of Hell's Best Kept Secret and co-host of The Way of the Master with Kirk Cameron, has endorsed the 13-part series after watching the first episode which spotlights the Christian virtue of integrity, shot entirely in the exotic locale of Singapore. 

"To be honest, we are thrilled beyond words that Ray Comfort gave our production a thumbs up!" said John Collins, producer with Linda Vista Pictures. 

Future shows will be filmed in Bali, Berlin, India, Egypt, the Grand Canyon, Philadelphia, and Washington, D.C.  And Samuel will track down clues as he discovers the Biblical truth about self-control, leadership, the First and Second Commandments, being free in Christ, overcoming sibling rivalry, and Creation.

"As I looked throughout the Christian marketplace as a mother, I saw a gaping hole in the entertainment genre after the children grow out of  Larry the Cucumber of Veggie Tales," said Kristi Collins, mom and writer with Linda Vista Pictures.  "We thought it was time that 6-12 year-olds could finally have a role model who was an actual  boy from an actual family who dealt with real-life challenges from a Biblical perspective."

One of the most profound questions in all of Scripture can be found in Psalm 119:9 which asks, "How can a young person stay on the path of purity?"  The answer is found immediately following:  "By living according to Your word."

That's a tall order! How do you motivate a child or tween to live according to God's Word?  It's not enough for Christian parents to simply navigate around the negative cultural landmines that spotlight sexual explicitness and gratuitous violence.  They need a positive tool in their parenting tool box which will reinforce their heart cry: that their children desire to please God on their own initiative.

But how do you change the first impulse of a 12-year-old boy, for example, from sinning through the merciless teasing of his kid sister or the defiant disobedience of his parents?  Psalm 119:10-11 holds the key:  "I seek You with all my heart; do not let me stray from Your commands.  I have hidden Your Word in my heart that I might not sin against You."

Samuel L. Collins and The Search for Biblical Truths combines the innate desire that young people have to unravel an enthralling mystery with the parent's grandest prayer that they embrace the truths found in the Word of God as their own.

Whether the young viewer decodes the clue by learning how to use a "cipher" or participating in "geocaching" -- a treasure-hunting game using the GPS, there's nothing passive about this new line of 13 DVDs.  And when they're actively engaged in learning, God will begin to transform them from the inside out. 

Beyond the fun of deciphering clues and solving puzzles in the DVD's, the children and tweens will be invited to participate in separate contests at www.SearchForBiblicalTruths.com  where they can qualify to win dozens of prizes like ciphers, t-shirts, hats, pens, and action figures as well as the $10,000 Grand Prize.

"My greatest desire would be that children watching at home would learn that they can learn how to Biblically reason and come to a Godly conclusion," said 13-year-old Samuel Collins, the star of the series.

Next to Mom and Dad, it's time that Christian children and tweens had another role model.  His name is Samuel L. Collins.

John and Kristi Collin will be joined by Roshie Jones, the director, and the two Collins children -- Katie, 14, and 13-year-old Samuel, the star of the DVD series, at the upcoming International Christian Retail Show in Atlanta, Georgia from Sunday, July 10 through Wednesday, July 13. To schedule an interview by phone or at ICRS, call Adam McManus at 210.373.7499 or e-mail searchforbiblicaltruth@gmail.com.