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Facts Fly in Face of N.O.W. Claims About KS Pro-life Prayer Meeting

KS N.O.W. and Liberal Blogs (i.e. Democraticunderground.com) Trying to Make Something Out of Nothing, Despite Claims Being Demonstrably* Untrue

--Facts Fly in Face of N.O.W. Claim That Prayer Location was Deliberately Chosen--

Contact: Mary Kay Culp, State Executive Director, KFL, 913-406-4446

MEDIA ADVISORY, Feb. 4, 2011 /Christian Newswire/ -- Perhaps it is to take the heat off Planned Parenthood whose employees once again were shown on undercover video openly breaking the law. Perhaps not. But the pathetic attempt by the Kansas N.O.W to sully the reputation of Kansans for Life, without checking the facts, certainly makes one wonder.

The Kansas N.O.W. has made non-factual and purposely deceptive claims about a prayer meeting planned at a Wichita, Kansas school tonight. Recently it was made known that two doctors plan to open an abortion clinic in Kansas. Those coming to the meeting plan to do nothing more than pray that the abortion clinics do not end up opening for business -- that God intervenes. It's as simple as that.

But the N.O.W. is claiming such a meeting is illegitimate and intended to incite fear and violence. Nothing could be further from the truth. They claim that it is wrong for a prayer meeting to be held in a school. They claim it is intended as a threat because the email advertizing the prayer meeting had the word "Warning" in the subject line. They claim it is an implied threat because the school is across a major street in Wichita from the church where George Tiller was murdered in May of 2009.

THE TRUTH: The prayer meeting is indeed at a public school, but it is set for 7 pm on a Friday night and all kinds of groups, religious and non-religious are free to utilize school buildings after hours for such purposes.

The fact that the meeting ended up at a school across (a major) street from George Tiller's Church was totally inadvertent and unknown to Kansans for Life until the N.O.W. put it out in a Twitter tweet yesterday afternoon. In addition, it is a demonstrable fact that the Coleman School location was suggested by *Cindy David who works for Rental Services for the Wichita School District, after our suggested school (in another location) was reported unavailable.

The meeting's only intention is to promote prayer as a deterrent to yet another set of troubled doctors who plan to open a Wichita abortion clinic. The fact that they are troubled is not surprising given what we have learned about Kansas abortionists and clinics like the one in K.C., KS and the ones recently ousted in Pennsylvania, and New Jersey and elsewhere. In fact, most doctors who do abortions full time have a troubled past and cannot work as regular doctors or they wouldn't do abortions.

As for the word "Warning" in the subject line of the email inviting folks to the prayer meeting, Kansans for Life thinks its entirely appropriate to warn the public about these troubled doctors and the grizzly trade they plan to bring to our state. Even the National Abortion Federation is (finally) starting to give out warnings about "bad" abortionists, though not happily. The NAF now warns about Gosnell and even the clinic where he did abortions one day a week, as well as their affiliated clinic in Louisiana.

Kansans for Life is dedicated to and has for all its many years operated totally legally and we will always condemn violence or even the implied threat of violence. We want the public to know that this event implies nothing but simple prayer.

It is hard to believe our opponents are frightened by prayer. It is much easier to believe that in their excitement to try and tarnish our reputations for political reasons, they did not realize our choice of school locations was not our own, or did not know, or perhaps did not care to reveal that the meeting time and day is not during school hours. Their claims that we should not be able to use after-hours schools for meetings condoning legal activity, when others are allowed to do so, is just plain ludicrous.

Kansans for Life feels that taking part in a prayer project in an attempt to change the announced plans for a new abortion clinic is among the least threatening activity available among the legal choices. We intend to continue to urge people to pray for this cause. Those who refer to our truthful claims about abortion's effect on unborn children and women and our culture as "dangerous rhetoric" have historical partners in those who used such terms when referring to those who called for the American Revolution, the abolition of slavery, and even the emancipation of women. Slanderous claims didn't stop those noble causes. Nor will they stop ours.

-- Mary Kay Culp, State Executive Director, Kansans for Life