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92% of Americans Own a Bible but Only 16% Read it Daily
Contact: Rachelle Carlson, 703-509-0793

MANASSAS, Va., Jan. 11, 2014 /Christian Newswire/ -- Why the big disconnect between Bible ownership and reading? Is it a lack of interest or could it be that people are intimidated by the sheer size of the Bible? There are 66 books in the Bible, which were written over a span of about 1550 years by 40 authors. Maybe readers don't know where to begin or how to go about it. That's where My Bible Companion, a new book by Rachelle Carlson, comes in. She makes reading and understanding the Bible much easier by guiding you systematically through each book of the Bible.

My Bible Companion lays out a consistent approach to reading the Scriptures: First it provides the date written, the author, and theme for each of the 66 Bible books. Next, it goes on to explain the relevance and historical setting of each book. Then it gives an outline of the key elements in each book and "what to look for." Finally, it offers reflections on the facts presented in each book as well as probing questions (very useful for small group study) for digging deeper into the meaning of each book of Scripture.

Rachelle's interest in the Bible began more than 23 years ago. She shares, "I wanted to know if God was real. So, I decided that if I read the Bible, I might find the answer. This quest of reading His Word led me to a lifelong search that has not yet ended." She goes on to say, "As an educator, I know reading is just part of the process. We discover, learn, and deepen our understanding of God and His Word by not just reading but also by thinking through what we read and then applying what we read to our lives."

Rev. Jay Holliday, a pastor, recommends My Bible Companion. He says, "This book provides great insight into each of the books of Scripture, leading the reader to understand the great depths of each book and providing a wonderful devotional time with God." Rev. John S. Etcher, also a pastor, agrees: "It is a simple, encouraging guide for anyone who would like to read through the Bible. It highlights the profound truths of each book and encourages the reader to meditate and listen."

My Bible Companion, by Rachelle Carlson, 192 pages, PB, $12.99, ISBN: 978-158169-477-2, published by Gazelle Press christian-publishing.net (2014), distributed by Ingram and Amazon.com.